Louise's fav videos: Save Me

There is some music which never ceases to grab me by the heart.

Take this classic Aimee Mann video woven in and around clips from the 1999 film "Magnolia."

If you've never seen this Paul Thomas Anderson masterpiece (an entire film built upon Aimee Mann songs) then I advise you to find youself a copy and savor every moment of it.

You could say Magnolia is the operatic version of Altmans's similarly themed (1993) film Short Cuts.

Truthfully, any of the work of Aimee Mann is worth spending time with.

And if you're a Julianne Moore fan, then you'll be pleased to know that she's in both these films. Actually, if you're really, really a Moore fan, and you haven't seen Short Cuts, then you'll be really grateful you did. * I digress.

In any case, here's the video of "Save Me."


Peter Varvel said…
Louise, do you know Idina Menzel's "Heart on Her Sleeve?"
A breath taking tune!

Mr. Varvel, you know me so well. LOVE this!!! It's beautiful.
Must repost this on my blog, now.

This song is so me.

If I could put this song on a t-shirt and wear it, I would.

Thank you!

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