Play "How to Spot the freakishly tall guy in a tux" game, and DIY Oscar Night

Every single year I have to endure what can only be called "Southern California Hell" watching my husband (not me?) head off to the red carpet to the Oscars, year after year. (My hubby's a pop culture reporter for The Orange County Register, so he actually gets PAID to to do this.)
And so, while I've resigned myself to this fate, I still feel pretty grumpy seeing him drive off in a tux without me, ad naseum...I mean, does this seem fair to you?
Well trust me, it isn't.
In any event, due to this travesty of justice, my kids and I have sort-of made a game of trying to keep our own Oscar night as fun as we can right here at home.
Here's a few tricks that have worked for me when my husband leaves to interview Kate Winslet while I'm home watching on TV.
First rule: Must have fun finger food (Probably from Trader Joe's.) Including some Martinelli's (for the kids) and a nice sparkling white for us, grown ups. And ice cream, for later on, so that when it gets boring the kids don't get too antsy. (Did I say, must have good wine?)
Must invite only the most fun friends around to drink with and play "Spot the Freakishly Tall Reporter" with.
Fill out Oscar Ballots (click here for a great PDF print out ballot form) for your own party Oscar Lottery.
Don't start drinking and forget to fill out before show starts. Make sure there's something around worth winning. Something anyone wants ages 8 - 48.
And this year we're also going to play Oscar Bingo (click here to download 8 different Oscar Bingo templates) which I found on a really cool website called How About Orange...
And so, since necessity is the mother of invention, and we can't ALL be at the Oscars, these are just a few ideas from us losers, on how to make the most of your "DIY Oscar Night."
Oh, and here's how Pete looked this year heading off to this year's Oscars.
PS. I'm posting this late, and he just called to say he said he's in the beginning of the red carpet by the entrance onto the red carpet between "E" and fancy ABC booth. Oh, and also, sadly, near local ABC guy, nitwit George Penoccio. (blech!) At least I don't have to do that: Listen to that moron prattle on for the entire two hours. That's one silver lining.
I should add that my 7th grader is 5'10" and very much still growing, surpassing her mom by half an inch, as well. Something she loves reminding me of ad nauseum.