Not all children's dance studios are alike

So, my third grader decided to make this year the year she fell in love with dance.

I was happy she found something, some form of expression that spoke to her, but I figured all kid's dance classes would be similar to what I'd already found in Orange County, CA.

Well, I'm happy to report that not all dance classes (or dance studios) are alike.

Take, for instance, Elevation Studios, in Long Beach, CA.

She's signed up for their kids' dance recital (contemporary dance) which I assumed would be your typical "jazz" stuff complete with sort-of bouncy, kitchy music and glittery outfits.

Mind you, I kept my feeling about this to myself, so that I wouldn't ruin her fun. I wanted to be positive about it all, but I have to admit, my oldest daughter's forays into kiddie dance perfoming always seemed to be in recital-mills requiring a nearly " Jon Benet Ramsey"-like appearance from all their kiddie performers. One reason we never really embraced dance before now as a good extra-curricular activity for my girls.

Until now. And, happily, I'm happy to report that I was quite mistaken about all children's dance schools being alike.

This is no ordinary dance studio.

It even looks different in the office, there.

I met her rockin' ballet teacher, with her tattoos and strict, no-nonsense professionalism toward the children there -- and fell in love with the place.

It's got a hip vibe with a very professional air which expects the very best from those attending the place.

As parents we sit under the neon Buddhas in their mod lounge while reading Mac Addict and Harper's Bazaar while listening to fierce hip hop and/or gorgeous art house compositions.

Yep, this is a place I'm really happy to have on my carpool route. The music is always moving and interesting and the folks who work there really do seem at the top of their game, and passionate about what I feel like is a newer breed of dance professionals.

This studio treat even their youngest dancers with respect and dignity capable of totally thinking outside the box.

No curls and make up on many of these junior dancers.

In fact, I'm addicted to the following two pieces they're using for their spring performance.

The first is the lyrical "Comptine D'un Autre Ete," from the film "Amalie."

And their other song is by Rachael Yamagata called "Be Be Your Love."

Pretty sophisticated fare for the kiddie set.

Elevation Studios: I love this place for dance.



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