"Scarface" Worst kids play: Pretty good prank

I'm such a dork.

Of course it was a prank.


Anonymous said...

Marc Klasfeld Says:
March 30th, 2010 at 2:01 pm
No this isn’t a real school play. Its a video directed by Marc Klasfeld, who also directed Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” among many other videos. It features kids that were found through a casting agent


Anonymous said…
mad rightwingers.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Marc Klasfeld Says:
March 30th, 2010 at 2:01 pm
No this isn’t a real school play. Its a video directed by Marc Klasfeld, who also directed Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” among many other videos. It features kids that were found through a casting agent
kahr40 said...

Do you really think this would have gotten past any school's zero tolerance police?

Posted by kahr40 at 6:55 PM. Labels: WTF? 0 comments: Post a Comment · Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Pages ..

DEAR KAHR40: THE LINK TO YOUR GUN RIGHTS BLOG WAS REMOVED - But, I do appreciate you taking the time to share your opinion.

To address your question- Yes, "Kahr40" I do think it could get past certain school zero tolerance police. THANK you for asking.

Can you believe it?

Where'd I get this crazy idea from, anyway?

The truth is we happen to live in a world where some morons do think violence around kids is perfectly fine. As well as raising kids in violent households.

Sadly, I am so used to coming across bible thumping, gun toting, flag waving folks in my world, that I actually did get fooled for a while by that video.

The only thing that confused me about the video was the level of professionalism.

It's not common for kids that age to know their lines that well.

And the video did have conspicuously great costumes and sets.

Really creative idea using piles of pop-corn for blow. That was too cool a concept for gun rights activists to come up with, even in the wackiest of private schools, where, actually I thought this video may have been performed.

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