"Circo Aguilar" One Reason to Boycott Westminster Mall

Step right up, folks! The Westminster Mall has done it again.

They've invited the circus to come to town!

This year it's Circo Aguilar.

Aguilar Circus, is also the same circus that recently let three beautiful Bengal tigers escape in Mexico.

Oops! I'm sure if that happened here those poor animals would know to stay off the busy 405, even though that's right where their circus tent went up today.

It was only a few months ago that Sea World had a tragic death from a killer whale that snapped. These are wild creatures that often can't endure life in a cage.

Now, don't get me wrong, if this were a people-only circus, I'd be thrilled about it.

But, this is the "old" kind of circus. The lousy kind with loads of animals kept in cages and forced to perform for their meals.

And the truth is, I think that stinks.

Especially when it's capitalizing on endangered animals. Those animals belong in the wild, not in a cramped cage in a mall parking lot.

What are three Bengal Tigers (click link to read story about this) doing in a circus to begin with?

Secondly, what family entertainment act lets three tigers escape and what business continues to give offer them employment at the Westminster Mall?

I should also note that this circus drew protests earlier this year in Morelia, Mexico, too.
(members of the Association Friends of the Animals in Michoacan (AMICHAA, in Spanish) came to the circus Aguilar Brothers, where they protested for the use of animals for amusement of the public. This circus announces that it possesses camels from Mongolia, horses, guanacos from Peru and 16 tigers.)

I mean, it's 2010: Who hires a circus that still relies on animal acts, to begin with?

Actually, that business would be the Simon Company. They own Westminster Mall.

Here's their corporate address:

Corporate Headquarters
Simon Property Group, Inc.
225 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
(317) 636-1600
I invite people to give them a phone call to let them know you don't care to shop at Westminster Mall while the circus is in (their) town.
I also advise you to share the same thoughts with the Westminster Mall:

1025 Westminster Mall
Westminster, CA 92683
(714) 898-2558

And so, if you feel like sending a message, please join me in the following protest:


To sum it up, I really encourage you to read this great piece by a mother about this subject:

Either way, just
do something.

These animals don't have a voice. You do.


That's horrible. It amazes me that people can treat animals this way and not think twice about it. It's all just very sad.
The people who create this situation are sick and unevolved.

The only answer is to fight them back in the one place it will hurt:

The marketing director for Circus Vargas has left a new comment on your (came in on wrong post, actually) post "What Prince's Sister's Breast Implants Have To Do ...":



Having looked into this I do stand corrected on my inclusion of Circus Vargas still using animal acts their circus acts. That was incorrect.

According to Ms. Hart they haven't had animals for years.

However, I will admit I was confused about this because while researching that circus I did find numerous past references to past citations on their mistreatment of animals. So, that was a bit confusing.


However, that was then, this is now. And I applaud any circus which replaces animal entertainment with those trained in the circus arts.
Patricia Morgan said…
Excellent, Louise. We MUST make people aware of cruelty to animals. As a Wildlife Biologist my daughter is committed to that cause.
As of April 3rd the Circus Aguilar never opened!

The authorities cited them for some undisclosed violations -- Stay tuned.
Anonymous said…
The good thing about the internet is that it can provide consumers with a wealth of information. The bad thing about the internet is that it does not discern the relevance or date of a particular post. Nor does it reflect the changes that take place over time against what was posted in the past. The current edition of Circus Vargas does not use ANY any animals in its production. The current owners of Circus Vargas do share a rich history with the circus itself, regardless of the the practices followed by the management of the time. No matter how you may feel about animals, the circus is a rich tradition that carries with it a long legacy, including a time where society's views with respect to the treatment of animals was different from what it is today. Circus Vargas 2005-2010 has been and is owned and operated by families with over 7 generations of circus experience. The show you will see there features amazing people doing amazing things. The only animasl on this circus lot are the pets of the people that travel as part of the circus. Without digressing too much, one of the performers took in a stray Boxer that wasn't getting enough food or attention where he was living. Now he is part of the extended family that lives on the lot wherever the circus goes. If you want to crucify any circus, please take the time to read EVERYTHING that is here on the internet before you form an opinion, and better yet go and see for yourself. Are there circuses that mistreat thieir animals? Damn right. Is Circus Vargas one of those shows? See for yourself.
Hey, Paul!


Seriously! I'm happy to see the world through your eyes. Just invite me into that world and I would love to see all the things you love abou it. Send me a ticket. I will come.

Leave a ticket for me and I would love, LOVE to come and review your show.

I would LOVE to come back stage and meet the wonderful people you've described to me.

I would WELCOME a chance to write and illustrate how lovely and creative and artistic this world can be.

So, INVITE me to come and really write about what you love about this experience!

This is an open invitation for you and I to meet on equal ground about how a circus really can still be "family entertainment in 2010."

My email is LouiseLLarsen@gmail.com.

If you send me a ticket, I will come with an open mind and heart. I welcome a chance to meet you and see the world through your eyes!

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