Note pop culture correction at end of post*

I just asked my daughter "Yellow" (for purposes of identity hidage) what the kids are all talking about these days in a certain middle school in seventh grade.

Me: "So, what do kids like to talk about when the teachers aren't around?"
Yellow: "Well, they like to read all sorts of random dirty things into stuff."
Me: "Examples, please?"

She said these days all the kids think it's funny to add "that's what SHE said" to everything.

Sample banter --

Orange: "It's too small."
(ha, ha, ha....)

And another middle school funny is --

During a science class the teacher asked the class "How do you define work?"
And one of them said "Something really hard you don't want to do."
And then "Green" said "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!"

(ha, ha, ha...)

Another way to play this is to add "in bed!" or "in your pants!" to lines of pop songs.


Sample: Leona Lewis's "...'bleeding love' - in your pants."
Sample: Beyonce's "single ladies -- in your pants!"
Sample: Miley Cyrus's "Best of both worlds - in your pants!"
Sample: Miley Cyrus's "Life's what you make it - in your pants!"

She's offered some more info about reading innuendo into a show they are working on, but I've been forbidden to write about this due to fears of pissing off the copyright gods before the show opens. More later....

In researching images to add to this post, I discovered that one can actually buy a t-shirt emblazoned with this very punch line. Guess who says she just has to have one?

Attention parents of 7th graders hunting for a very cool birthday gift for any middle schooler -- or your spouse.

So, click here to buy your very own "That's what she said." t-shirt.

That's What She Said T-Shirt

Update: "That's what she said" pop culture correction.

Nothing warms my heart than having a spouse wake up the next day and laugh at my former day's postings -- for all the wrong reasons.

Pete: "So, if you EVER watched The Office with me you'd know by now that this is what the Steve Carell character says every two minutes."

Now, I know.

That's what she said.


Peter Varvel said…
OMG, I want one! Does that make me a seventh grade girl? (right, act surprised).
On lamebook dot com, in light of Miley's 17th birthday, a guy wrote "Only 365 more days!" to which he received comments from women using the word "creepy."

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