Living On A Thin Line
Note: There used to be photo of my kid "Somber Girl" here, but I took it off line, due to the discovery that there are actually very creepy guys out there w/ fetishes re: kids in braces. Gross. Go away.
Here it is smack dab the middle of summer. Some kids are off at camp. Some kids are lounging at a pool, some away on family vacations.
But, it's okay. We're still on Staycation.
It seemed like great destination, this Staycation of ours. After all, this was supposed to be a special day, July 25th, 2008. The day Dr. Chang finally installed her new titanium set of orthodontia.
It only took about two hours and only cost about $5,500.
She was a great sport. But after we got home I noticed how uncharacteristically she quietly slumped down on the sofa. No rushing to the mirror to admire the changes. She just stared into space.
She says she's tired, and I believe her, but I also remember how often life has a way of not living up to one's expectations.
Straig seemed fine, fun, even, till they got here. But the truth is, right here, right now here in the dog days of summer, I think maybe middle school looks like a long, hard walk.
My iTunes popped out Living On A Thin Line, The Kinks. (from The Sopranos Pepper & Eggs CD.)
Couldn't have said it better.
It's hard to be 11.

Here's the necklace she made months ago with my Mom (Shrinky Dinks) to celebrate her future orthodontia.
Portrait of a Good Sport.