I miss Vermont, again.

I'm sorry, but I just have to share this.

I am seriously missing Vt. Not just any place in Vermont, but Southern Vermont. Right near the NH/VT/MA border.

Dirt roads. Cool Main Street stores. Sparkling brooks. Sound of birds. Green fields. Crickets. Trees and trees and trees. Placid rivers. Rolling mountains. Yes, sweaty hippies and birkenstocks, too, but that's fine. I don't care, it's Vermont.

My stomach hurts I miss it so much.

Struggle to find my Oprah Gratitude moment about why life here in Southern CA is "a good thing." (Okay, that wasn't Oprah, that was Martha):

Good thing #1.) I get free tickets to great things, sometimes.

YEp, Rigt now the only thing getting me through this recent spate of homesickness for NYC & VT is knowing I get to see Ricky Gervais next week. (Husband is reviewing it for The Orange County Register. Since RG is only in LA for 2 shows, I'm betting it could also be quite a fun audience.)Ricky Gervais's stand up show in LA

I'm simply not remotely suited for Southern California. Shouldn't I know this now after 15 years? I'm just not a west coast person, I think.

Oh, well. More on that later-- this weekend, at least, I'll be "havin' a laugh."



Anonymous said…
hi Louise,
yes, I miss the sweaty hippies too -
and the dirty wooden floor of the old Putney co-op...
to me its like Eden, or something!
am I crazy?
xo C

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