Eric Schaeffer's last installment of 100% Cringe Worthy Material (Season One)

A steel rod where?! No, he didn't say that, did he? Oh no. No, no, no...

Why would anyone ever tell another living soul the things he says he does?

It's like saying "Guess what! I like to go to the Zoo because it excites me to watch all those red-assed baboons!"

Yuck, and who cares?!

Jesus. Why admit that?! God. Seiously. See a shrink or a witch doctor, or whatever is required for something like that. Take it out. Seriously.

I'm not so sure he really does all those things, after all. I mean, if he is as "out there" as he says he is and really does have that camera on all the time: Then, why not just film your freakiness and sell it as porn? It'd be more lucrative.

However, since Eric Schaeffer is still airing his dirty laundry under the guise of art: Heres' my Cringe Moment #304: His "producer" is suddenly attractive to him? Oh, puhleez. The chrome on his exhaust pipe is attractive to Eric Schaeffer, let alone anyone with a you-know-what-and-a-heartbeat. And just how old is his "producer?" 15? Please tell me she isn't going to turn into Patty Hurst and fall for his lines. Oh, no. Please tell me that she, riding in the backseat, that at least she has some kind of a clue.

Why, dear God in heaven, is that man even allowed around people?

He's like "Lock Up: The Early Years."

Yay, for that girl in Big Sur who made a clean break for it! Thank God she didn't take that creep's bait. I just would have been so sad if she fell for his crap, she was so young.

He is really quite mad, I think. I don't think he's going to end well, at all. I could be wrong: After all, he's very lucky.


Anonymous said…
wow, he is really creepy!

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