5.4 was high enough, thanks.

Today wasn't funny at all.

We had a 5.4 earthquake today that made my teeth chatter it was so scary.

(It was a 5.8, but it got down-graded. Somehow my nerves didn't get that memo.)

In case you don't know this about me, yet, I hate earthquakes.

Hate and loathe them.

If a 5.4 makes my heart race any faster than it did this morning, I'll faint. I did ride out the Northridge quake when living in Los Angeles, but this was B.C. (Before Children.)

I'm a mom now. Magnify my personal terror by three and you get: a woman who doesn't want to experience another earthquake as long as she lives.

If it gets any worse than this, every friend of ours living east of the Pacific ocean can pretty much just expect us to drop by on our way out of Dodge.

Was there an earthquake in California? (Yep.)

Was it bad? Start looking for my minivan.

My husband knows this. He pretends he doesn't, but he knows.

He can't even feign surprise if I bolt out of here -- I do NOT like the earthquakes.

Give me a crashing thunderstorm, a blizzard, a hurricane, pestilence, locusts, but do not send in the earthquakes.

I don't do earth moving under my feet. Ever.



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