
Showing posts from July, 2008

5.4 was high enough, thanks.

Today wasn't funny at all. We had a 5.4 earthquake today that made my teeth chatter it was so scary. (It was a 5.8, but it got down-graded. Somehow my nerves didn't get that memo.) In case you don't know this about me, yet, I hate earthquakes. Hate and loathe them. If a 5.4 makes my heart race any faster than it did this morning, I'll faint. I did ride out the Northridge quake when living in Los Angeles, but this was B.C. (Before Children.) I'm a mom now. Magnify my personal terror by three and you get: a woman who doesn't want to experience another earthquake as long as she lives. If it gets any worse than this, every friend of ours living east of the Pacific ocean can pretty much just expect us to drop by on our way out of Dodge. Was there an earthquake in California? (Yep.) Was it bad ? Start looking for my minivan. My husband knows this. He pretends he doesn't, but he knows. He can't even feign surprise if I bolt out of here -- I do NOT ...

Rocking out to Gnarls Barkley at Hollywood Bowl.

Gnarls Barkley rocked the Hollywood Bowl last night. Great concert. Lot's of dancing. (Some of it gratuitous. I mean, to start one's ethnic dance routine before the show starts is kind of over-kill, but, that's MHO.) Loved the show. Great audience. I included some of my digital photos from the show last night. None are stellar, but it was a fantastic show. To read more about it, check out Pete's review here:

Blog author and Eric Schaeffer: The early days of genius.

Photo 1: louise larsen and eric schaeffer, Photo 2: Louise Larsen and Betsy Hickok Man Who Came To Dinner. 1978 So, I was going through an old photo album this morning and came across this very, very old , kodak photo. * Yes, that's me up there (the blog author. ) Not entirely proud of all this. But, it did make my kids laugh. The photo, BTW is from a dress rehearsal of a High School production of The Man Who Came To Dinner . (Starring, yes, me and Eric Schaeffer as well as some other gawky, yet surprisingly ambitious kids that year.) To read more about blog author and Eric Schaeffer's early days in Vermont, 1978. Click here. *Note this play photo is circa 1978. I was given that red satin number by a girl from boarding school the previous year. She said me wore it to Studio 54, but I don't believe her. I think it was her mothers. It was very disco-glam and well-made. Sadly, I think this was the only time I ever wore the outfit. However, now, I wish I...

Living On A Thin Line

Note: There used to be photo of my kid "Somber Girl" here, but I took it off line, due to the discovery that there are actually very creepy guys out there w/ fetishes re: kids in braces . Gross. Go away. Here it is smack dab the middle of summer. Some kids are off at camp. Some kids are lounging at a pool, some away on family vacations. But, it's okay. We're still on Staycation . It seemed like great destination, this Staycation of ours. After all, this was supposed to be a special day, July 25 th , 2008. The day Dr. Chang finally installed her new titanium set of orthodontia. It only took about two hours and only cost about $5,500. She was a great sport. But after we got home I noticed how uncharacteristically she quietly slumped down on the sofa. No rushing to the mirror to admire the changes. She just stared into space. She says she's tired, and I believe her, but I also remember how often life has a way of not living up to one's expectations. Straig...

Did you say "leprechaun?"

MYSTERIOUS LEPRECHAUN SIGHTING! Gotta to check out Dooce's Tuesday Night Videos. All I ever get are pesky garden gnomes. Click here for YouTube TV News segment on the mysterious green guy. BTW: I n Dooce's blog post she puts up a couple of hilarious clips, one of which isn't funny, it's just great: It's of MGMT, who, I think, is rumored to be opening for Beck at Hollywood Bowl.

Ray Davies, the raw sound of the Everyman. Tonight in Anaheim.

When we first arrived at The Grove, all I saw was a growing sea of receding hairlines and beefy Brits lining up at the bar to order their Newcastles before their hero, Ray Davies, took the stage. And I thought, Okay, not quite as glamorous an audience as last week's Feist concert, but this is Ray Davies! This is the guy responsible for The Kinks. He wrote "Lola." He's a rock 'n roll legend. He's gonna kick ass. Then my husband told me, you know, "Oh, didn't I tell you? Of course, he's a legend, but this is an acoustic concert. It's just Ray and another guitar player." Oh, wait. Huh? No drums? No bass? Just Ray Davies and another guy unplugged? Oh, no. This will be a long night. Another man in a Union Jack shirt walked by. I sighed. But, I was wrong. Again. It was an amazing concert. What a delight to discover so much new music I never even heard before tonight. It was far too short an evening of music -- Ray Davies wa...

The best Staycation ever! Feist & Sharon Jones at Hollywood Bowl!

Sharon Jones and Feist! Fiest Okay, I'm done bitching about the summer. It really has turned into one of the best "staycations" ever. (Thanks to a variety of unforeseen lucky breaks. Like husband getting to review fun things for The Orange County Register .) Last night we drove up to the Hollywood Bowl to the Feist Concert , which was so, so cool. More on that later. But, she was opened by an amazing musical group, Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings . Wow. She totally knocked our socks off. She's this fabulous funky soul sister who can only be described as the long lost sister of James Brown and Tina Turner. She ROCKED the bowl. Opening act: Standing ovation. Almost felt sorry for poor Feist. Not sure I'd want to follow such an amazing opening group. Here she is below doing 100 Days, 100 Nights. Let me tell you, if you're ever lucky enough to see Sharon Jones live, don't walk: Run. (And get her to take off those sexy shoes so can show you how to da...

"Bargain hunting" during summer "Staycation"

I was so relieved that Bush had a press conference a few days ago to set us straight on the economy. Until he told me otherwise, I could have sworn this was a recession. Give us a break. We go to the market. We go to the gas stations, we pay our bills. We all see the "for sale" signs littering the front lawns of all our neighborhoods. I think we have a bit of a clue that things are "not good" and certainly we know there is far less money available to us these days. In our bank accounts, that is. The truth is, I never thought that things could get this tight for everyone, but it seems none of us have quite as much money as we used to. It ain't easy making ends meet. Which requires if not "thinking outside the box" certainly encourages me to " shop outside the box." But, I just have to comment again on the press conference Bush thing. So, it's live, on every channel, first thing in the morning he's calling press conference to cal...

Ricky Gervais rocked my world (well, briefly) at the Kodak Theatre, this weekend!

Here's the deal: When you marry a journalist, you may not get to drive a fancy car, but if you're lucky you may occasionally get tickets to fun things. This has been a good year for this. For instance, this weekend we both got to see Ricky Gervais in his Out Of England Tour . Better yet, it was at the Kodak theater , so I got to experience not just one hilarious show, but also see it at the famous Kodak Theatre where they also have the Oscars! Very exciting stuff, for me. For the record it was a terrific show. Ricky Gervais did not disappoint. He was engaging and funny throughout the show. The time just flew by and we both loved every minute. I was especially impressed how so often he remained the "straight man" (and I don't mean "not gay") during what was essentially one long monologue. That's not easy. But, he pulled it off with ease. For instance, he has a very funny bit about "going commando." The whole thing is mostly his re...

Mad for Mad Men

Okay, I'm happy now. I just found out my cable has all of last season's Mad Men on dvr! And, better yet, it's coming back this month! Yay! (God, I'm such a cheap date.)

Eric Schaeffer's last installment of 100% Cringe Worthy Material (Season One)

A steel rod where?! No, he didn't say that, did he? Oh no. No, no, no... Why would anyone ever tell another living soul the things he says he does? It's like saying "Guess what! I like to go to the Zoo because it excites me to watch all those red-assed baboons!" Yuck , and who cares?! Jesus. Why admit that?! God. Seiously. See a shrink or a witch doctor, or whatever is required for something like that. Take it out. Seriously. I'm not so sure he really does all those things, after all. I mean, if he is as "out there" as he says he is and really does have that camera on all the time: Then, why not just film your freakiness and sell it as porn? It'd be more lucrative. However, since Eric Schaeffer is still airing his dirty laundry under the guise of art: Heres' my Cringe Moment #304: His "producer" is suddenly attractive to him? Oh, puhleez. The chrome on his exhaust pipe is attractive to Eric Schaeffer, let alone anyone...

I miss Vermont, again.

I'm sorry, but I just have to share this. I am seriously missing Vt. Not just any place in Vermont, but Southern Vermont. Right near the NH/VT/MA border. Dirt roads. Cool Main Street stores. Sparkling brooks. Sound of birds. Green fields. Crickets. Trees and trees and trees. Placid rivers. Rolling mountains. Yes, sweaty hippies and birkenstocks, too, but that's fine. I don't care, it's Vermont. My stomach hurts I miss it so much. Struggle to find my Oprah Gratitude moment about why life here in Southern CA is "a good thing." (Okay, that wasn't Oprah, that was Martha ): Good thing #1.) I get free tickets to great things, sometimes. YEp, Rigt now the only thing getting me through this recent spate of homesickness for NYC & VT is knowing I get to see Ricky Gervais next week. (Husband is reviewing it for The Orange County Register. Since RG is only in LA for 2 shows, I'm betting it could also be quite a fun audience.) Ricky Gervais'...

The scariest person I used to know. And I sure don't mean biblically.

*Blog author update: My blog contains far more postings about Eric Schaeffer than this first inaugural post. Therefore, if so motivated, you may read more about on this blog b y clicking here .) So, I've been thinking: After a while we all probably know someone, somewhere who has at some point done something mildly interesting. At least, I hope we do. But have you ever given any thought to who may be the scariest person you have ever met? I have. Yes, because when I'm not spending all my free time baking whole wheat things and hand-sewing doll clothing for my kids. (as if. ) I am also occasionally a thinker-of-dumb-things, which is why I realize now, just who the scariest person I used to know is: (Drum roll, please.) Eric Schaeffer. Yes. That , Eric Schaeffer . The same one who I know a lot of people have previously loved to hate . However, I actually have the dubious distinction of having gone to the same high school with him and perform in high school plays wit...