"My Time" with Minus The Bear

Okay, so I know I haven't been into my usual blogging mojo lately, which has been bothering me too, but, hey, life is messy and the reality is, you just can't blog all the time.

Some people do. They call it Twitter. (No offense to the Wil Wheatons of the universe, you know we love you.) but, anyway -- C'est pas Moi tous les temp.
(Translated that means, "I get lazy, too.")

Anyway, while driving around yesterday listening to KCRW I happened upon a live broadcast with a new band called Minus The Bear.

Yeah, so?

Well, right, "so."

Sometimes, as much as I adore KCRW, those late morning live sessions can occasionally get pretty, pretty monochromatic...and become a great time to fill up the gas tank, but, then they played "My Time" from their new album, "Omni" and, let's just say -- something about it grabbed me.

They were also a great live interview, too. Which, believe me isn't always the case. They're cool and funny and I like them. Check out a link to KCRW's streaming Minus The Bear and Omni here:

Made a mental note: "Blog about these guys soon."
But, didn't. My bad. Life is messy.

And, turns out: I even forgot where I put that mental note.

So, then, today, wondering what will drop into my lap that would be worthwhile enough to take time out to post something and there's that song again.

It was as if the radio on my dashboard just spit out yesterday's little yellow post it note for me as clean and effectively as a new Steve Jobs gadget.

And, as luck would have it, I now discover there's also a cool, colorful video of "My Time," as well.

Nice new band and, better yet, will appeal to everyone in your household, including all those "Yo Gabba Gabba!" fans.

Want to "own them?" And, let's face it, don't we all want to own someone?


Oh, and you're a lyric freak, as I am, here are the lyrics, too.


1. My Time

Turn off the lights,
touch me in the dark,
fade into the feeling,
whisper in my ear
What you want, what you need.
Tell me my name,
tell me my name again
Just yell out my name, baby.

I got your nights, I got your days
I got you on my time

You taste like sweet wine
and we are magnified
The sweat rolls down your thigh,
making moves so blind
It’s what you want, it’s what you need–
I’m just the same, baby

I got your nights, I got your days
I got you on my time

And you’re holding on to me like an old love
that you know every inch of.
when I feel you start to go
I’ll take it slow
until your body’s saying more

I got your nights, I got your days
I got you on my time
You’re gonna be on my time



My apologies to anyone foolish enough to subscribe to me via RSS because I know you now just got, what? 3 crappy versions of this THANKS TO BLOGSPOT'S FUNKY NEW TEMPLATES which do not mesh seamlessly with my awesome new mac.

Any blogspot folks also having techie issues with the new design? If so, email me.
Peter Varvel said…
I am always amazed that women who are raising children are able to make any time to blog at all.
They must barely, barely sleep!
louise said…
Sleep? Who needs that?

I did get some during this past week's bout of flu, though. That was fun.


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