Here we go with one more political freak out about "socialism"...again.

I'm seeing more of this brewing, festering hate lately, and I just can't get my brain around it all.

The pick up trucks on the freeway with their proud "teabagger" stickers.

Occasional social gatherings where I over here mutterences like, "the next time it'll be Mitt's turn." or some other bizarre garbage.  I mean, I live in Orange County, so occasionally even when I try to help it, this does occur.

But, the truth is, I just don't get the beef.   Ever heard of Medicare?  That's government healthcare which alot of them wouldn't be willing to give up.  Why is logic such a stretch for these people?

Check out this video below where this guy goes bat-shit ballistic over his apparent resistance to "socialism."

What is most scary is that people seem hellbent on hate, regardless of what that means.  Some people just want a huge drama and hate-fest whether or not it's logical.

The hate addiction is what scares me the most about this.


Anonymous said…
Why don't you move to San Francisco? They are much more accommodating to your view point. Or you can go to the barrio in Santa Ana, I'm sure they will have open arms. Instead of complaining why don't you pack up and go home? Orange County would be a better place. If you had an open mind and understood that we all don't love the government maybe it would help your thought process a little. The Orange Curtain has its name for a reason. There are not many conservative areas in California so stop complaining and move because it’s not going to change!
Dear (Cowardly) Anonymous,

FIrst of all: News flash: Change has already happened. So, deal with it. And more change is coming. Why????

Because there are lots of people like me who don't want what brand of hate you're selling. Period.

"Change? -- Hello?

I have three words for you: YES. WE. CAN.

WE DID. So, carry on with your teabagger tempertantrum if you must. But, there are many people here in the OC who think like me on this.

Wake up and realize that nothing is more important than people coming together as a community and working toward progress.

You have the freedom to "teabag" as much as you want to, it's America, and WE HAVE THE FREEDOM TO ELECT THE PRESIDENT.

Yes we can.

Thanks for you honesty, though. Next time put a name on it.

Anonymous said…
I think the first commenter, the angry right-winger, proves the point of the video: There's a lot of whack-jobs with anger-management issues out there because they no longer have their way in Washington.

He doesn't like the government? I bet he likes the government fine when its approving off-shore oil rigs like the one that's destroying the environment off Louisiana right now.

He doesn't like the government? I bet he likes the government fine when it's lying to the American public to start wars with countries that had nothing to do with 9/11 and wasting thousands and thousands of brave soldiers lives in the process.

He doesn't like the government? I bet he likes it fine when it's telling women what they can do with their bodies, or men and women who they can love and marry.

He is a dinosaur, a relic from the olden days, and so he screams as he sinks into the tarpits that will bury his kind forever and ever.
c price said…
Would he/she want to pay for the public schools
kids go to? Each and every road she drives on? Police protection? If all of those things were
only available to who could afford it,
( and if, just as an example she COULDN'T)
how would anonymous feel then?
I don't see any difference between those things and universal healthcare.
William said…
Sigh. On the plus side, this is a fine example of the diversity of opinion that has made America great. On the other hand, the suggestion that those who don't like it (I guess that would be you, Louise) can (and should) leave demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of the diversity of opinion that has made America great.
And I have to own up to feeling pretty angry at "Anonymous #1," too.

I just see red when I'm told to move because I'm not like the others. It's so "Arizona."

William said…
It is hard to be tolerant of intolerance. But when you are, I think you are justified in feeling smug :-)
Robert said…
The guy in the video has a few screws loose for sure. I would not assume however that he's representative of the larger group. I've been to protests across the whole political spectrum and it's not uncommon to have a few nut cases in the crowd.

But back to your larger point. Living in a large northern city most my adult life, I can empathize with your experience. I see all types of bumper stickers daily from save the planet to conspiratorial messages about Bush, Cheney, Halliburton and the CIA. My two favorites are 'Love America, Hate Bush' and the definition of a conservative, 'Conservative. n. one who believes everyone else is as vicious, cruel & selfish as they are.' Sometimes at social events, I'll just fly under the radar so to speak and listen in on the prevailing views of culture & politics. It's interesting to hear what people really think and who they believe their enemy is when they are in a group of similar mind.

I would imagine politics in the big city to be different than in Orange County so instead of hearing about Mitt Romney, I often hear a lot of angst toward Sarah Palin & the tea baggers. I find Sarah Palin a bit too home spun and the whole "retarded" episode annoying if not hypocritical, however the amount of attention she receives at these gatherings borders on hysteria. You'd think she was the devil incarnate or leading the next coming of the Third,

From where I am sitting the left is as much guilty as the right when it comes to hysteria and vitriol. Both could probably learn a thing or two on how to have a fair and respectful debate.

You are so right.

I really, actually agree with you more than you know.

When I started this blog -- it seemed like a natural fit, my blog title, but as I grow and life evolves -- I don't know where I sit.

I know I care deeply about personal freedoms and protecting our environment --- But, I'm deeply disappointed in the way our leaders have done things.

On both sides of the isle.

More later.

But, thank you for your comment --

I appreciate it.


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