Bjork convert

Hang on, a sec.

I have an apology to make, to anyone who ever tried to tell me I'd like Bjork, but I refused to listen.

They were right.  I was a jerk.   She's inspired and otherworldly and I adore her.

I am listening now.  And, she's fantastic.

Is she a little bit crazy? Uh, yeah, maybe. Probably.
But, frankly, so am I. So, no wonder I get her.

Why did I let that swan costume keep me from discovering her?

I have so much time to make up for. Isn't that the best, though?
Knowing there's so much left to discover?

Follow up: I keep playing this video for my daughters and tell them that this is freedom. To just express yourself in whatever way you want to and not care if people get it, or not. To just share the feeling inside whatever way feels most suited to that feeling - and it won't matter a damn if people understand, because if it's from the heart and making sense to you it will translate to any language there is.

They're in the bathroom right now singing "Big Time Sensuality." That may freak out some parents, but not me.


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