My "Dennis Hopper Moment" & Remembering Hopper on film

I'm a huge Hopper fan. Always was.

I had the dubious distinction once of actually telling him this in an elevator
in Century City, along with the quirky fact that he and I actually
shared the same landlady, once.

I told him where we were living and who my landlady (and geriatric GF)
was and how she still wore this crazy wig (backwards). But, most of all I
told him how polite she said Hopper was about taking her for rides up and
down Appian Way on the back of his bike.  

This was one cool landlady.  She was so great I'm digressing
from a Hopper story to tell you how cool this landlady was.

She turned down Marilyn Monroe to live in her carriage house
(which my BF and I were at the time holed up in)
because my landlady knew she'd be "bad news."

(Anyhow, we were talking about Hopper,
even though this is my Hopper moment.)

Hopper's response? "Holy shit, is she still ALIVE?"

"Yep," I concurred warmly.  

(I was having a "Hopper moment!" How cool was that?)

His wife (at least, I think it was his wife) laughed.  

He looked kind of scared and exited at his floor looking bewildered.

But, for me, it was one of those great LA moments, and at the time
it made my shitty, insignificant life working at a temporary job
at the ONLY sky scraper in that end of LA actually, that day, worthwhile.

But, come on! Who hasn't loved how bizarre and over the top, yet,
totally, completely authentic Dennis Hopper always was?

Would contemporary cinema ever have been the same without him?

Appreciating a just few of many, many fantastic, iconoclastic Hopper moments:


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