Merry Creepy Vintage Christmas (re-do)

This year, when people are struggling so much for whatever personal reason, I didn't feel like adding any extra "creepy" to our holidays, but I can see that this post is still getting some buzz from last year -- So, I'll repost...But let it be said I do hope your holidays are anything but disturbing.  

Merry (disturbing) Christmas!

I started out with the best of intentions.

I was researching vintage Christmas stockings to make with the kids, when unfortunately I stumbled across these rather more unusual images of holidays gone by.

Looks like drunk ladies were a popular Christmas card theme that year!
Santa has a hugy scary head. 

What is under Barbie's Christmas tree?

Serial Santa

Pixie boy poisons your cookies.

Santa eats children for christmas

Nazi drummer elf ornament

 Vaguely disturbing choir boys

 Saddest Shepherd ever

Cute lil Santa men

Twisted elf.

Yes, would you sing us one more carol? 

Deeply discounted christmas toys. 

On sale now.


Hahaha! I actually bought those carolers. I think they are really cute!

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