"Country Strong?" Gwyneth: The new voice of the heartland?

I have to admit what initially what caught my eye about this was that she was playing with Jim Lauderdale, who really is the real (Country) deal.

So, this intrigued me.  Then I took a closer look at this clip from the future holiday release, Country Strong."

What really sticks in my craw is watching Gwyneth deliver a song which is about as far from the truth as it gets.

Come on.  When you're the daughter of a producer and an award-winning actress?  When you're a vegan millionaire with an army of maids, an entourage of personal chefs, and married to a fucking rock star? It's just kinda hard to stomach her croon as if she's from Butcher Holler and the tough life she endures.

I have weathered, colder winters
And longer summers, without a drop of rain 
Push me in a corner and I’ll come out fightin’
I may lose but I’ll always keep my face

Oh, please.  Butcher Holler my ass.



Anonymous said…
It is called a part in a movie. Are actors only supposed to play parts that are similar to who they are in real life? That would be a bit boring, wouldn't it. If actors thought like you did we would never get some of the truly great performances - Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs - Halle Berry from Monstor's Ball - anyone from the film Precious. Gwyneth is not saying she is like her character in real life so open your mind a bit.
Michael Koenig said…
The biggest criticism that most people have of Gwyneth is a certain lack of authenticity. GOOP, her faux British accent, this song. I suppose if you asked her about it, she would say that she's essentially portraying a character here, and not herself.

It does betray a certain lack of confidence when you have to insert the genre in the title of the song. Most songs about rock 'n roll are also completely ridiculous.

Didn't see Jim Lauderdale in the video though. Is he just producing the album?
What???!!! Mariah Carey is no social worker? ~ Holy Crap!

And, Tony Hopkins isn't a human flesh-eating sociopath? God, I've been so hard on him all this time!

I'm such a "monstor."
Oh, and Koenig: No, I didn't see him in the video at all either, and I'd hoped to. I didn't even know about this till I was on his website checking something entirely unrelated when I read his twitter post about this. Go figure.

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