Yo Gabba Gabba just a big bucket o' funky, freaky fun


My kids have finally retired their worn out VCR tapes of Blue's Clues. (Only the shows with Steve, because Joe wasn't anywhere near the same thing.)

They now have a new flavor of television viewing obsessage. They like to watch Yo, Gabba, Gabba.

If you don't know what this show is like, the only way I can describe it is like the Teletubbies got into Mommies "special stash" of Flintstones vitamins, and ended up crashing the rave with Deee-lite.

Not kidding. It's some wild-ass, crazy pre-school fun. But, what do you expect from folks who hang out with Paul Frank. And if you love Paul Frank, they way we do, then check this show out. It's a wild ride.

For starters the demographic for the show is, I believe, pre-schoolers, you know, like Blue's Clues was. But my girls now ages 8 and 12 can't get enough of this thing.

Seriously, they'll watch it and laugh, and laugh for hours. They make everyone coming over to the house watch it with them, explaining to them using their own strange language surrounding Yo Gabba Gabba, only "as seen by them."

I'll attempt to dictate to you the logic behind their love of this show, but it's a challenge.

First of all, each one of the colorful little characters has name on the show. However, my kids have decided to renamed the characters all after people from their own life.

Doing this, for some bizarre reason, gives them hours of hysterical giggling fits.

So, the names of the Yo Gabba Gabba characters are now this:

The Little Green Man given the name"Brobee" on the show, is now, "David Archuleta." because "he looks just like him."

Next, the Red character went from screen name, "Muno," to their name "Mr. Platt, our middle school Learning Specialist."

I asked why and was told "because we had to pick the most random name for him."

Then the pink one, "Foofa" was renamed by girls into "Max" because that character had to go to someone they know who is entirely obsessed with his appearance, and "Max" just seemed to fit that with his constant flipping of his long bangs all the time.

And then there's, "Toodee," who I've renamed "Jack" (Not even close to his real name , I do not use real names here.) I asked why a fellow GATE student in Yellow's class was assigned this character to be his and her answer was because "he is this boy who is really annoying and seems like a typical mysogynist because he always calls girls "Bitches, Lesbians and Whore-magnets."

"Well, isn't a whore-magnet a boy?"

"No! No way. It's a dirty lesbian [according to the boy in her class]."

"I never heard that before," I mused, but she just said, "Well, you'll hear it from him. That's all he says!"

I'm still not sure I get it.


"Only the shows with Steve, because Joe wasn't anywhere near the same thing."

...Them's fightin' words!
You know -- I know this issue is cause for war, but after I had a baby, I really, actually sort-of fell in love with little ole' Steve and I'm a loyal woman.

Steve just seemed like he'd really get my being utterly overwhelmed by this baby I had to care for. He knew I was just on the other side of the screen and that I felt disconnected and confused. And Steve just "got that."

And Joe? Yeah, he looked sweet, but he didn't have Steve's depth and sensitivity.

And, let's face it: Joe was just into slapping the Nick Jr. McMonkey when he wasn't having to tele-babysit for me.

But, I know there are Steve vs. Joe people just like there are Macs and PCs.

Variety is the spice of life.

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