Part Two: More Middle School Family Life Human Sexuality Unit fun, fun, fun...
Yes, folks: Yesterday began the final week of public school sex education for my sixth grader.

Note: This is a continuation of my former post I started regarding a class my daughter is taking in their final two weeks of sixth grade.
For the record, I asked my daughter (known in this blog as "Yellow") to be sure to let me know how week two of this "unit" went.
She has.
And so, as per her fine note taking skills from the second and final week of Middle School Family Life Unit here are her collection of both questions, comments and answers as relayed to me by a sixth grader, known here only as "Yellow."

Yellow said that she and her girl friend ("Lavender") had submitted a question that their science teacher, (known here as "Mr. Blue") that Mr. Blue was absolutely convinced the boys in the back of the room wrote as a prank. Apparently, Mr. Blue was having none of it, and gave these guys a hard time about their submission of the following question: (which not only isn't a bad question, but I can't see why a 12 year old boy would submit it.)
"Why do women have cravings when they're pregnant. Please be specific about why they have cravings and don't leave anything out."
I don't even know what Mr. Blue's answer was but it must have been amusing to see a bunch of dudes get nailed for something they didn't even care about, let alone do.

Q: "If a man is hit hard enough in the testicles, can they split open?"
A: "Anything is possible, but I wouldn't wanna be there if it happens."
Q: Can anyone wear more than one condom at a time for protection?
A: No, don't wear more than one at a time. Not meant for that."
Here's another question. No, actually it's a statement only thinly disguised as a question, which I'm hoping was submitted very anonymously.
Q: "Since you said it only takes one sperm cell (to fertilize...) what happens if the penis keeps shooting semen and won't stop for a long time?"
A: Not sure there was an answer, yet.
To be continued...
I seriously have no idea where she gets this from.
It's not my fault.
The school principal tried to explain it was something like a balloon making noise as air is expelled. We were too busy awkwardly trying-to-stay-cool/laughing to listen to his explanation.
Perhaps if they hadn't divided us into boys and girls, the subject would have appealed to the better angels of our nature.
....Ha ha ha ha ha!
I laughed at that?
I am SO middle school.