Wreck and Ruin: A Musical Journey Into Heartache from Talented Married Duo

Last week I heard this duo on NPR sing excerpts from their new album "Wreck and Ruin" and I actually had to pull the car over to finish listening to every note, lyric, every word they uttered.

What's really astonishing is that this couple is both married with kids yet write the kind of songs you'd expect from a much more diverse writing team.  They manage to convey so many different facets of love and strained relationships that it's difficult to imagine this wellspring of insight into heartache could stem from one simple, solid marriage.

 Check out NPR's interview with Kasey Chambers and Shane Nicholson, here.

 Even if you don't love country-folk 100%, all you have to do is watch how these two really look in each other's faces when they speak to know they are alive on every level: Musically, spiritually and best of all, romantically. They're an inspiration.


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