More Marceline Musing
My hero(ine) du Jour: Marceline, The Vampire Queen, from Adventure Time.

Yesterday, as I was going over the list of items for this character's costume I asked "Anna Lily! Just who the heck is this "Marceline?" What does she even look like?"
She thought about it and said, "We-ell, she's kind-of hard to describe. Hm. Well, she's cool and she sings. She's kind-of like an Aimee Mann Vampire. Mom, if you'd actually watch it I bet you'd really like her!" (She knows me so well.)
I do, so here's more Marceline-love.

Below's a short video clip of The Vampire Queen reading the riot act to another character with a voice I could stand to hear a LOT more of. (Hey, Adventure Time! Time to release an album, or two featuring the Mighty Marceline. She sounds amazing!)
You just gotta love this show. Way to go, Cartoon Network! I'm quite pleased with this particular female role model for my middle school daughter. And, for the record, I plan to spend much more time watching Adventure Time with my own 6th grader, Marceline.
And now I just now found an entire Polyvore Page devoted to dressing like her, too!
Check it out!
And then, if you are really "low-tech" you can do something really remedial, like raid a Goodwill for costumes and cut an electric guitar out of foam core and come up with something like my kid's costume below: It won't be front page at Refinery 29 or Polyvore, but it will make your kid just as happy as mine was, if they have a sense of humor and smidgen of imagination...
Below is our "Marceline," Annalily Larsen.

If you're not a fan of Adventure Time you can begin to catch up on what the fuss is about here.
Yesterday, as I was going over the list of items for this character's costume I asked "Anna Lily! Just who the heck is this "Marceline?" What does she even look like?"
She thought about it and said, "We-ell, she's kind-of hard to describe. Hm. Well, she's cool and she sings. She's kind-of like an Aimee Mann Vampire. Mom, if you'd actually watch it I bet you'd really like her!" (She knows me so well.)
I do, so here's more Marceline-love.

Below's a short video clip of The Vampire Queen reading the riot act to another character with a voice I could stand to hear a LOT more of. (Hey, Adventure Time! Time to release an album, or two featuring the Mighty Marceline. She sounds amazing!)
You just gotta love this show. Way to go, Cartoon Network! I'm quite pleased with this particular female role model for my middle school daughter. And, for the record, I plan to spend much more time watching Adventure Time with my own 6th grader, Marceline.
Daddy Why Did You Eat My Fries
And now I just now found an entire Polyvore Page devoted to dressing like her, too!
Check it out!
And then, if you are really "low-tech" you can do something really remedial, like raid a Goodwill for costumes and cut an electric guitar out of foam core and come up with something like my kid's costume below: It won't be front page at Refinery 29 or Polyvore, but it will make your kid just as happy as mine was, if they have a sense of humor and smidgen of imagination...
Below is our "Marceline," Annalily Larsen.
Funny,wired ,sad (hardly) but most of all
It's like no other show in the world and every
One has some one to relate to,like me and
Marceline i love to sing and be like her so yah (:
It makes me VERY happy that you decided to write me about you being a Marceline fan, too!
Thank you so much!
Yours Truly,