Cher and Kathy Griffin Firing Up Women To Take the Vote On Election Day

Hm. So, yesterday's Randy Newman video didn't inspire you find out who else you can take with you to the polls this Tuesday?
Well, how about Cher?! Is she able to get you up and moving? Or Kathy? Cause, hey GFs, they want you to wake up and get the vote out.

“This is Cher, bitches. Do what she says … and God bless America,”
says Kathy Griffin: Our "other" fabulous female icon in their web ad firing up the bases to GET out the vote for women's rights and -- hey, how about all American's rights, this Tuesday.

Don't Let Mitt Turn Back Time On Women
Check it out and "just say no" to the war on women. No, wait, that was Nancy Reagan. Well, I bet she's disgusted with this, too.


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