It's the holidays. A time when so many of us hang lights, wrap gifts, send cards, play happy, jolly music…Only thing is, it's also a really hard time for another demographic. It's the season where many people get severely depressed. I want to talk about how depression can really take down some of the most creative, lovely, warm people you could ever imagine. You would be shocked if you knew just how many of your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors all quietly try to keep their inner "black dog" of depression from taking over their life. Almost anyone is capable of succumbing to a variety of mood disorders under duress, but the top of the line is depression. Speaking of the "black dog," take, for instance, wonderful Vermont folk artist, illustrator, author, Stephen Huneck, who sadly died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was only 60 years old. He loved dogs so much he created the famous Vermont Dog Chapel. But, s...