Tonight on "Life on the D List" -- Meet "Norma Gay!"

I was asked to do a guest blog post on the very cool LGBTQ website The Bilerico Experiment, about Kathy Griffin, in her endless quest to become an A-lister ending up becoming an activist – which is clearly an entirely different A-list – fighting alongside her many gay fans against California Proposition 8.

And, so I'm hoping you visit me on Bilerico to read all about how much I love Kathy Griffin and how amazing I think it is that she's gotten behind (so to speak) our battle to repeal Prop 8 along side so many others who know Prop 8 is both antiquated and unconstitutional which should be repealed, "like, yesterday." -- As my twelve-year-old would put it.

Check out my post, "Kathy Griffin: Comedian and Activist" here.

Given that you’re reading this on a site billed as "Louise on the Left," I’m guessing you’re well-versed in the history of California as a gay battleground state, but gays and lesbians aren’t the only Californians pissed off about this. Many of us straight people are – I’ve been writing about this for months – and now Kathy Griffin is in the fight too.

So, tonight's episode (Episode 8, Season 5) of her show “My Life On The D-List” which airs this Monday, July 27th, on Bravo, Griffin takes on a more serious tone than usual, starting off with a declaration of war, more or less, on the eve of the California Supreme Court’s decision on the constitutionality of Prop 8.

Having been a longtime Kathy Griffin fan, learning about her new leaf as a political activist really made me sit up and take notice.

Her show very moving show about this airs tonight, on Bravo so set your Tivo's folks!

You can read about my (wayward) actions to fight Prop 8 in my own way either by blogging, or...redecorating the neighborhood: The California Yard Sign Wars, here.

Or you can read some of my former posts fighting Prop 8 from last fall here:

One California voter's opinion about Prop 8

or here:

Totally disgusted with Pro-Prop 8, California


Michael Koenig said…
What's your opinion on the current season? At times, the setups have approached "Hogan Knows Best" levels of reality show hokiness:

"I feel awful for losing the Grammy Award, but my friend Paula Deen has invited us to stay with her in Savannah for the week and work in her restaurant!"

I still find the show entertaining, but miss the more intimate moments in previous seasons. I guess the show needed to change because Kathy is no longer really a D-Lister anymore. I've always enjoyed the episodes where she interacts with average people, like this one with the gay teens. So far my favorite episodes have been this one ("Norma Gay") and the one where Mom got to meet Stefanie Powers, Betty White and Don Rickles.
No kidding the Betty White/Don Rickles episode was the best one yet!

I love them both and they totally made the most of their screen time.

I like this season, but it does have a bit of a polished feel to it. Not sure if that's so bad, though.

One of the funniest moments in Paula Deen's episode was when she accidentally hits her! I don't that was scripted.

Yeah, Kathy shooting the shit with "real folks" is always so much fun, because you see how lightening fast her mind works.

But, I always like the unscripted moments, in her shows, too.

So, I hope we get more of that.

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