My wild July garden

The best thing about a summer garden is that sometimes it's left alone, untended for awhile, and things just expand and fill space without human intervention.
Before you know it, it's become wilder, woolier and far larger than I ever anticipated.
Here's some images from our long, oddly shaped backyard. Some from my bedroom, some from behind our home.
My favorite photos is the one with Juliet's back to the camera in front of the ten foot sunflowers. It's sort-of the essence of how it all seems to me, today.
This is how our garden grows: Lush and wild in some spots, perhaps a bit parched in others, but all the direct result of what we could accomplish right here, right now.

I can't understand why something have done so well in my garden and somethings have just been pitiful.
Dill, Parsely, Zuchini and Basil: Doing fine.
Strawberries, Cilantro, Lemon Balm, Mint -- Dead as a doornails. Not that I've ever understood why this should be mean "very dead."
But, both my daughters and the sunflowers have both skyrocketed.
My 12 year old is now officially taller than I am at 5'9" and the sunflowers are over 10 ft. tall, and they don't look like they're finished growing, either.
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