"I Can't Believe I'm Still Single" ~ Louise's "Summer Book Club" Pick

So, it's summer.

You know what that means, don't you?

It means long, lazy days spent outdoors, hanging out by the pool, or at the beach.

Long days during which you occasionally have to remind the kids to reapply sunscreen before turning the page of something you don't mind getting bumped about and warped from the moisture of wet bathing suits, after being carted around for days at the bottom of a sandy beach bag.

Truly, I have a righteous stack of things I not only want to read, but need to read. Manuscripts by people I know. Critical novels I once rushed to buy. And, yet, this summer these stacks of books just seem to look at me from my bedside like sad puppies in "Precious Moments" illustrations. They have sad eyes which seem to plead, "Don't you really want to read me? We've waited for you for so long..."

Some of the neglected books still sitting unread by Louise's bed.

Book #1
"Read me, first! A friend of yours wrote me. She's coming out to CA in September. You promised!"

Book #2
"No, no! Read ME!!! -- I was reviewed on NPR (last year) and you begged your husband to buy me for you for Christmas."

Book #3
"I'll be so sad if you don't read me. *sniff* I might have to crap in your shoe if you don't read me soon."

"We're those magazines bought to help your kid's school raise money!
It's summer, you moron, if you can't read us by now, then put us up for adoption at your doctor's waiting room."

Book #5
I'm a Martin Amis book! I could give rat's ass if you ever read me.

*I sigh* "Yes, I do still want to read you, my wee books, just not at this very moment," I respond, reassuringly to my dusty stack of quality book reads. I want them to know that they are not forgotten, just as alluring as perhaps another title at this moment in time. But, the guilt...the guilt...

And then there are all those magazines that arrive every single darn month which I imagine I'll get to eventually. If I put them in the john.

But, in spite of all my numerous options for my summer reading, which are obviously a considerable challenge to my guilt quota, there's also this other little nagging book related fact which I think I need to reconcile soon:

I still have not read Eric Schaeffer's semi-autobiographical book, "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single," even though I've written an un-review for almost every single episode of his cable series, based on the very same title.

How'd that happen?

I suppose that this little omission should be remedied at some point. I mean, how could I have possibly judged this man's show until now if I haven't read the actual book that started the craze? Right?

So, I went out to the bookstores to purchase it, but in the end, decided against that and checked it out at the local library.

Now, all I have to do is start reading it. Or, will it join that pile of books I know would be entertaining, but haven't managed to finish, yet? Luckily, this title has a due date. That might help.

Given that I could use a little nudge to get going, I'm going to create a "Book Club" for myself. This way I can challenge myself to consume a few chapters at a time and chew them slowly to see how they taste in small doses.

Therefore, I am announcing that this summer I commence "Louise's Summer Book Club" starting with Eric Schaeffer's book, "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single."

Tune in later for updates.

And, clearly, since this is a "book CLUB pick," I encourage others to read along with me. That means, you are invited to leave a comments.

Also, I'd better get started soon, because I think some of his book takes place in Vermont where, interestingly, my family and I plan to spend some time this summer.

Okay, so I've given myself a time frame. That's will be useful, people like me require deadlines.

So, ready, set, go.

And where can you get a copy? Try your local library. Or, someone's local library. Perhaps.

Link to where it can be purchased new, or "Used" for so much less.

Book club update July 23: I've read up to chapter 4 and I hit a wall. Somebody needs to give me a very good reason to finish this book -- other than than the obvious, which is to garner blogsite hits.

If, and only if, I can be convinced that this is something I should do then maybe I'll pick the book up again. Otherwise, the library due date is next week and do not anticipate paying any overdue fines. Sorry, to flake out on the club idea, but if you don't like that then, what can I say? Motivate me.


Ashley said…
I love book clubs! I'll drop into the Borders in Newport before heading home, look at the last couple of pages, and decide if I'm willing to read it.

The title sounds like what i say to myself everyday. haha.

That reminds me to hyperlink back to my other blog posts about his show in this post.

By the way.

Just so you know, this subject (Eric Schaeffer, and his cable TV show, also called "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single," which ran on Showtime.) has been, well, let's just say -- one of considerable chatter on this blog.

But, I love that you're going to read along with me.

It'll be fun.

Michael Koenig said…
Trying to piggyback on Mr. Schaeffer's enormous popularity again, eh?

I bought the damn thing months ago (used), but haven't finished it. It's everything you might expect from Mr. Schaeffer: irritating, obsessive, extremely self-important and extremely clueless.

Have you gotten to Mark Ebner's cameo yet (on Page 115)?:

"I reunited with my old college friend Steve, whom I used to party with before we both got sober. He got clean a couple of years after I did, was living out there full time, working as a journalist, and turned me on to a Web site that advertised "Massage Girls" who provided happy endings. He vouched for their authenticity and manual prowess and, at seventy bucks for half an hour, one hundred for a full hour, they were less than half the price of prostitutes."
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Michael Koenig said…
Well, I'm not sure you can draw a lot of generalizations about single men from Eric S. Basically, he's a hustler in everything he does, both professionally and in his personal life. He's always working the angles, and he can't turn it off in his brain.

(I read one interview he did where he claimed that he got his first book contract while receiving oral pleasure from a prominent female book editor.)

Eric is this weird combination of confidence and submissiveness. But ultimately both are narcissistic--Look, I'm the greatest person in the world! Look, I'm the worst! The book is filled with all these crazy addictive behaviors. His whole adult life has been this continuum of addictions--from drugs and alcohol to gambling to food to sex.
Michael Koenig said…
Uh oh, looks like Mr. Schaeffer has a deal to make yet another sitcom, this one for Starz:

The series, tentatively titled "Failure to Fly," revolves around a support group for people who tried to commit suicide but are now embracing their second chance at a happy life.

Michael Koenig said…
Just looked at Amazon.com and was amused by the Tags that Customers Associate with this Book:

i can believe it(32)
closeted gay men(30)
most pathetic man in the world(28)
pathetic men(23)

Looks like we have a consensus!
Whatever people think of the dude, I don't think he's gay.

Just mixed up.

But, yeah, that's quite a litany of reviewers tags...gosh.
Michael Koenig said…
I don't think he's exactly gay either--but the book does chronicle his obsession with pre-op transsexuals and his attempts to get free phone sex out of them. All this stuff seems to be directly tied into a strong need for humiliation. He doesn't seem to be interested in gay sex--just in finding sexual situations where he can be submissive.

Of course, all I know about the man is from his reality show and book, so who knows?
Michael Koenig said…
Okay, Louise, I don't know what the hell this is, but I think you need to check it out and report back to the group:


Is ES doing some kind of Learning Annex thing?

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