The Ministry Of Love: Eurythmics + Orwell + 1984 = Timeless Images

I don't know why this clip's been on my mind right now, but I woke up recently with vivid images from the film, 1984, based on Orwell's novel, playing in my head.  

I haven't even seen it for some 20 years, so why it's surfaced now in my memory makes no sense, really.  

Well, I did just find a pile of used CDs by the Eurythmics at GoodWill, with the exception of this brilliant film soundtrack,  so, maybe that's why?  I used to have a cassette tape of it, too, back in the days when people had cassette tapes.  But, those tapes are gone now.  

Now I have YouTube.

Perhaps it's on my mind due to discussions with my 14 year old who only just read Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 for school this week.

I really don't know why this is stuck in my head.  There could be so many reasons why.

Why do people dream?

Thanks to YouTube, a mere plaything of Big Brother, I can now Google up my dreams and memories to share with other mere strangers who may also stumble across this humble blog while seeking the memory of a dream of a film of a book, as well.


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