Three Days of the Condor: Hollywood's prescient '70's political thriller

Three Days Of the Condor is one of those great '70s films which completely stands up to the test of time.

Not only is it still a Big Fat Juicy Hollywood Glamour Flick (starring the one and only Robert Redford and Faye Dunaway), but Three Days of the Condor also remains gripping, suspenseful and with issues that are almost entirely relevant and timely to today's political issues.

It's hard to believe this film was written almost 35 years ago!  When I see this now, it sounds almost entirely about the Iraq War, Afghanistan and WikiLeas.

Amazing work.  

Turner:  "Did we have plans to invade the Middle East?"
Higgins:  "Look, Turner.
Turner:  "Did we have plans?!"
Higgins:  "No, absolutely not.  We have games.  That's all.  We play games.  
How many men?  What would it take?
Is there a cheaper way to destabilize a regime?  That's what we're paid to do."

Just check out the last clip of the film.  I love the look of horror on Redford's face when he thinks he's check-mated the opponent, but then the blow-dryed, evil-doer flips the game on him one last time right before the scene ends.

By today's standards we know to cringe inside with fear for the hero's safety.  Redford's character seems extremely innocent and naive in 2011.

Thirty years ago we may have had more faith in an underdog's ability to survive being a whistle-blower.



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