Exclusive: Donny Ward of 'Still Single' dated a teenage Michelle Williams

During the last episode of "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single" Mark Ebner interviews Donny Ward and pointedly reminds (no, actually, he baits) Ward that Ward did once date a "teen superstar" when Ward was in his thirties.

What astonished me was that Ward not only confirmed this fact, but did so by repeating the phrase, "But, she was a legal teen."   

And then Ward went on to sort-of brag that he debated this moral issue surrounding dating a younger woman amongst all his other guy friends, who all confirmed that if they'd been in his shoes, they'd have dated her, too.  

He even seemed to crow about how similar his situation was to that of the relationship between the Woody Allen and Mariel Hemingway characters in the Allen's film, Manhattan.

(Okay.  Got that, Donny & Mark.  Whoever she was, she was smoking hot and very, very young.  So, who was she?)

It wasn't too hard to figure out from looking at Ward's bio listed on IMDb, as the only other celebrity girl friends could not have been in their teens when he was in his thirties.

Ward:  "But, she was a "legal teen."

Hmm..."a legal teen."  Argh....

As a mom of two girls, I always want to know about old dudes in their thirties who think it's fine to be sexually involved with teens. 

For instance, even though I'm a huge fan of Woody Allen and Polanski, I still don't want them hosting any sleepovers, or even handing out slices of birthday cake, actually.  

After all, I'm a legal mom and can easily get a legal gun license, too.

In any event, research suggests that Ward did once date Michelle Williams when she was in her teens, probably in her late teens when she was breaking out on Dawson's Creek.

Interestingly, IMDb noted that Williams had been legally emancipated from her parents at the age of 15.  

(I'm still assuming she wasn't that young, though.)

What I'm assuming is Michelle Williams must've been closer to 18 or even 19, when she and Donny Ward dated, which is older, but not that much older. 

As a mom, and as a former young woman myself,  I know what this means.  It means young, pretty young girls are catnip to old dudes.  For primarily purely physical reasons.  And that "young" usually also means "very vulnerable."  That's what that means.

In any event, interestingly, IMDb also confirmed that Michelle Williams continues to this day to be a very fascinating woman.  

(For the record,  this blogger happens to think Michelle Williams is a terrific actress who has led a highly commendable life under occasionally harrowing circumstances.)

A few trivia Facts about Michelle Williams from IMDb:
Chosen as one of Teen People Magazine's "21 Hottest Stars Under 21." [1999]
Loves reading in her spare time.
Legally emancipated from her parents at the age of 15.
Wrote a script called "Don't Blink" which was sold, but never made.
Collects rare books. Owns a first edition of The Great Gatsby amongst others.
Dated Conor Oberst. Some songs for his band, Bright Eyes, are about her.
Graduated from high school when she was 15.
At 16 won the Robbins Trading Company World Cup Championship of Futures Trading by turning $10,000 into $100,000. It is the second highest profit in the tournament's history.
Dated singer/songwriter Andy Herod (of "The Comas") for two years. His latest album "Conductor" is about their relationship and his heartbreak after it ended. Michelle also features in the accompanying short film of the same name.
Was roommates with Christina Ricci whilst filming Prozac Nation (2001) with her.
Her father Larry is a Commodities Trader and is divorced from her mother Carla.
Michelle and her fiancé, Heath Ledger, had a girl, Matilda Rose, on October 28, 2005 in Brooklyn, New York.
The godparents of her daughter Matilda is Jake Gyllenhaal and Busy Philipps.
Her father, Larry is a former Republican candidate for Montana State Senate.
First cast-member of "Dawson's Creek" (1998) to receive an Oscar-nomination.
Was in a relationship with Heath Ledger, having met on the set of Brokeback Mountain (2005) (June 2004-September 2007).
Her ex-fiancé and father of her daughter Matilda, Heath Ledger, died on January 22nd, 2008.
Was in a relationship with Spike Jonze, having met on the set of Where the Wild Things Are (2009) (July 2008-September 2009).
Returned to work five months after giving birth to her daughter Matilda in order to begin filming The Hottest State (2006).

First Season, Dawson's Creek


Michael Koenig said…
While I certainly understand your queasiness about the Ward-Williams relationship, I don't think it's fair to compare it to Polanski (who drugged and sodomized a 13-year-old girl), or Woody Allen (who slept with his step-daughter in her mother's house). We have no reason to assume that it wasn't consensual, or that it was particularly harmful to her.

Michelle Williams would certainly seem to be the most talented person that Eric or Donny know (even more than the late Henry Gibson). It's a pity they can't get her for the James Earl Jones/Tony Roberts/F. Murray Abraham part. (They'd rewrite it for her, wouldn't they?)
This post was based upon the ability to connect the dots and make assumptions. I am not christiane amanpour, but occasionally I pretend to be while talking into my bathroom mirror.

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