Alas, this was the week we finally bid adieu to the series " I Can't Believe I'm Still Single " which enjoyed a mystifying and, for the most part, entertainment-free third season on the Showtime. And, in case you are new to this wee blog, I have been posting what you could call an "un-review " of Schaeffer's, long, brain-numbing, patience-challenging work all along. So, now it's done. Finished. Finito. And my final take is this: OMG! Eric Schaeffer is STILL Single?! No ! You mean, after three entire seasons of I Can't Believe (Eric Schaeffer) is Still Single , he is still out of luck? How the hell did that happen?! In all this time , Eric did not find at least one , single person on the entire planet to fall in love with?! Give me a break. Schaeffer even wrote an entire book about his quest! He infamously trolled the internet for love, hungrily devouring every single personal ad on like a starving ma...