Spring Break and our trip to San Diego Wild Animal Park

Yesterday, our family took a spin down to Escondido to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, for what I can only say was an amazing day.

But, the high spot of the journey was watching this little guy -- nuzzle with his mom.

(Note: I don't understand why, but Blogspot has changed it's format recently and I can't upload photos up here like I used to.  So, here's a link to my facebook page's photo albums to see my photos.)

The video is from a few months ago,  but he's really not much bigger these days.

And there's another very hungry mommy elephant currently on "baby alert" who I can vouch was certainly "eating for two," yesterday -- This place is so beautifully, and ethically constructed.

Why can't all zoos be as loving and respectful of the animals and the environment as the San Diego Wild Animal Park and the Zoo?

The entire message there was one of caring for the world and conservation.  The really make sure all the visitors are well aware how endangered these animals are and how detrimental our impact has been on their native habitats.  I think the message they instill in people is to care about our impact on the world.

I loved every minute.
Here's one of their baby elephants from a while back.

So cute.   When their new little guy (born a few months ago) nursed he stood there patiently crossing and uncrossing his back two legs.  So, serene and adorable.  Then he napped in the shade under his mom.

These animals have trust and love for one another and it's so apparent.  This is animal "entertainment" done correctly and ethically and I cannot speak enough praise for the way they have done their job.

Also, notable moments were in the butterfly jungle, when butterflies in all shapes and colors land on you, and blend into the tropical habitat and the Lion Camp where the glass barely separates you from these majestic beasts.  It's really a gorgeous place to spend time walking in southern California terrain amid beautiful landscaping and lovely views of some rare creatures.

Anyhow, here's one video is of an elephant that is now bigger, but still looks smaller than the others.

Today, we will plant some native plants in our backyard. (Inspired by yesterday's walks)

And, tomorrow - we've decided to make the last day of our "staycation" feel special, so we'll make it Sunday at San Diego Zoo, for us.

We didn't take these videos -- but I'll add our own photos to this post later on, when I have more time.


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