Bristol Palin's new "Don't Be Like Me, You Are Just Not Lucky Enough." PSA

Don't get me started about this new PSA.

After watching it, I feel like she should just say:

"Gosh, I had no idea sex would lead to a BABY! Whaaaa?! Get OUT of here!

"Thank God, my mother, Saint Palin, was there to pick up the pieces. But, you probably would never be this lucky. Because I'm lucky. My family is famous.

"Most normal kids would ALL make the exact same poor choices all us "party" kids in Alaska did when your moms are busy tattooing their makeup on, and campaigning out of state, too. It's obvious the only difference between you and me, is that my wonderful and famous family will pick up the pieces of my mess and none of you have the great good fortune to have Sarah Palin for Mother of the Year to fix my. Big. Huge. Failure."


jacked UP jazz said…
Yeah, I think you are exactly right. But you know of the two or three years we have been hearing from these people, this is the first thing out of any of them that made any sense to me. So put me down for liking it.
I suppose you have a valid point.

Maybe Palin will do a PSA about being home long enough to know who her kids are and getting involved when they do make unhealthy choices.

I blame Palin for her kid's situation, so she's the one I'd like to see some remorse from. Not poor Bristol who obviously was not being seen and heard.

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