When I am a Republican senator I promise not to do this...

Dear daughters,

The next time I'm elected a Republican senator I promise not to announce that both of you "are available" in my acceptance speech.


The only silver-lining to having people this wacky in the public eye is that they usually just end up just shooting themselves in the foot before doing too much harm.

So, I give this guy a year or two of driving Democrats nuts before we all discover he's got a mistress in Argentina or is spending way too much time in airport men's rooms. Or both.

Nice speech, "Dad."

I give him two years, max.


jacked UP jazz said…
I disagree completely, I say it will be six months max before he instigates a major international incident. But that notwithstanding, regardless of what he is or isn't, at least the guy is loose and limber and you get the sense that what you are seeing is the real thing. They won't be accusing this guy of harboring an herbaceous stalk in his rectal area (stick up ass).
Golly, that's something to be grateful for: A senator who isn't "arboring an herbaceous stalk in his rectal area (stick up ass)".

I suppose I'm just biased against him because the guy seems A) so full of himself, and B) hell bent on derailing Universal Healthcare. But, maybe I'm wrong on these.

Time will tell.

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