texas hold 'em."

John: "Okay, I'm raising it 500."

Dana: Silence. Raps table.

Pete: Raps table. "Your turn, Louise."

Louise: Raises eyebrows. Looks meaningfully at cards. "Oh, wow..."

(whispers to her poker partner) "Okay, seriously. What do we have, anyway?"

Partner maintains stoic poker face. Has since given up even meeting Louise's eyes long ago.

Table endures one long, bored pause.

Louise: (to table) Hang on. Sorry. (whispers again to partner) "So, does this suck, or is it good?"

Pete: "...Louise? It's your turn."

Louise: "Sorry, but if this were Pictionary, I'd be kicking your ass right now."

Partner: "You're the kind of person my husband loves to play poker with."

Louise: "Oh, good."


Take you damn sweet time.
THANK you!

Why don't people bet on Charades or Pictionary? I'd be a rich woman, today, if that were at a casino in Vegas.

Not that I have EVER been to Vegas.

Can you believe that? I've never been to Vegas.

Maybe one day I will go and surprise myself. The odds are in my favor.

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