The World According to (Some) Breeders

Welcome to my new column The World According (some) to Breeders.

Rule #1) Do not EVER think about giving a minor even a fraction of a Quaalude to do her in the naughty place, or any place, and try to get out of it. So, to speak.

According to this breeder, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Perhaps this spoof of To Catch a Predator says it all. As funny as it is it brilliantly illustrates my point that it doesn't matter if you are an award-winning director or the guy down the street; Older men justifying sex with minors all sounds the same.

Polanski did the crime. He does the time. Deal with it. Creativity or having a shitty childhood or horrible past does so NOT earn you a pass when you victimize someone else. If having a crappy childhood made criminals harder to jail, we'd have prisons filled with white collar criminals. (Not a bad idea, actually)

And if you do not think having sex with a thirteen year old isn't victimization, then you don't know how this breeder thinks.

I may be liberal about some things, but according to me, everything about the Polanski sex crime just stank. There's no gray area. It should not have happened. I don't give a crap about any deals that lawyers made. Deals make all of this even more offensive.

Look, he was an adult. She was a child. The "incident" involved drugs and sex.

And, trust me, I do hold the parents responsible, too, because children should not be hanging around horny old guys who can't keep their hands, eyes, whatever to themselves.

So, wow! Film director, Woody Allen signed a petition to free Polanski ? Gee, that's really big news that one known pedophile wants to throw rope to another. Is Polanski really happy to have Allen's support on this subject? Really?

That's great. But, that doesn't shock me. What does shock me is who else also signed this major petition to help out Polanski.

Other major names in the film industry did as well, such as David Lynch and Martin Scorsese, Michael Mann, Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodóvar, Darren Aronofsky, Terry Gilliam, Julian Schnabel, the Dardenne brothers, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Wong Kar-Wai, Walter Salles and Jonathan Demme. And that's just some of the names on the list. It's impressive, that list. And it just got me thinking, why does Polanski get so much support for something that's really so offensive and so clearly wrong? How can people justify defending him about this?

I know the Hollywood heavy-hitters all like to stick up for each other, but really, this is not too complicated. The issue is that Polanksi did something sleazy. And was brought to court and then he didn't like where the case was headed and he left the country.

Can you imagine if these were the actions of the guy down the street? Or a middle school teacher? Or, really anyone else who runs away from doing their time?

In any event, I wanted to weigh in on this as a fellow breeder, and a mother of two girls.

And as a kid who also had a childhood not completely devoid of creeps.

I just want anyone who ever got taken advantage of to know that it wasn't their fault. There are laws about this kind of thing, and just because someone is rich, or famous, or talented does NOT make them exempt from the rules we all play by.

-- Just my first rule from my new column, The World According to (some) Breeders.


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