Media circus upstages best "kid" moment of the week.

It's true.
The best "kid moment" of the week did not come from six-year-old Falcon Heene, best known as "balloon boy," or I guess after his "Good Morning America" appearance, "barfing balloon boy."
No, the best "kid moment of the week" came from fourth grader Tyren Scott, the innocent boy who, right in the middle of the Heene family flying saucer drama, asked our president, "Why do people hate you?"
Yep. Apparently, some people were still interested in what the President had to say on his controversial visit to New Orleans that day.
Did CNN run the story as it happened? No, they were fixated on balloon boy and totally overlooked and upstaged the best moment of the day, in my opinion.
While most top news organizations were chasing a balloon over dirt fields in Colorado, at least a few other news organizations kept their eye on substance.
(Also" Not to toot my horn too much, here, but I did post the balloon boy and the "Wife Swap" connection at least 30 minutes prior to CNN or MSNBC, not that it matters. It was just a matter of time before everyone would be rolling their eyes in disgust about this.)
However, I think some credit needs to be given to Tyren Scott for giving us the best "real life kid moment" of the week.
I want to thank those few news organizations who did not reward bad behavior with a media circus, but by staying "at work" that afternoon. I appreciate those who continued to cover the real reason I even had CNN on at the time, to cover the President's visit to New Orleans.
And, finally, kudos go to Obama for answering Tyren's potentially very awkward question with a pretty good save. He responded, "Well, first of all, I did get elected President, and not everybody hates me," he told Tyren.
Good training, I suppose, from time spent with his own kids, Malia and Sasha.