Boy in hot air balloon son of crazy Heene family on Wife Swap!

So, I was actually watching the Obama speech in New Orleans, (which, actually, was a pretty great speech) however, suddenly CNN broke a news story that a six year old boy got into a "home made flying saucer" and flew away...(wha?), I called my husband to tell him about this weird story (after all, he is a pop culture reporter) and then he said the name rang a bell and, lo and behold, turns out that this is a child from that crazy "weather chasing" family on the reality TV show "Wife Swap."

Gee. I guess none of us could see it coming that these parents might endanger the lives of their kids with reckless actions.

...Or that Dad, with his hair-trigger temper and lack of respect for women might be someone a child might fear making angry. For instance, say in the loss of, oh, his beloved weather balloon.

Any chance the kid might be hiding from Dad?

Heene family of Colorado consists of wife Mayumi, husband Richard, and their three kids. The kids are eight year old Bradford, seven year old Ryo, and five year old Falcon.

To read more about the Heene family appearance on ABC's Wife Swap click here.

Twister Chaser and Safety Conscious Mom On Wife Swap
To read more blog posts about their appearances on Wife Swap, click here.

And then there is this charming video which is another homemade production: A music video titled : Wife Swap Heene boys Not Pussified music video (awww, cute.)

Anyone else find the machismo "in your face" tone of this misogynistic video more than a tad ironic, now?

Ps. STATUS UPDATE AS OF 6PM PST: Boy found hiding in attic safe and sound.


Jim said…
Hahahahah - I love the internet and the speed at which articles like this make my news viewing that much more pleasurable.

I know -- How fast was that?

I actually called my husband to tell him how much I liked Obama's speech today in New Orleans, and then the news broke this story -- and I mentioned this to him as well, and -- I guess due my husband having a great memory for name recall he said "that's the @#* weather chasing dad from Wife Swap!"

It was that fast.
Pedro said…
Nice job! You scooped CNN and MSNBC by at least 30 minutes with the 'Wife Swap' connection!
As usual, couldn't have done it without you.
superbadfriend said…
ha ha ha Falcon totally busted his dad in a post interview!
I know.

It's remarkable. You just can't even begin to make this stuff up.

I can't wait to see the details of the future "criminal charges."


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