Oh, dementia, you better treat me good

Thanks to my cyber-hero, Prince, at Bamboo Nation, I've been listening to this great indie rock song, and also, like Prince, feel so much love for it that I need to share it on my blog, too.

I LOVE this song. (Yes, you can actually download it here, for free.)

How can you not love a song with lines like "Dementia, be good to me."

An indie rock song with a catchy sense of humor that also captures a snapshot of what I feel about life du jour as well as why I still adore classical music or sing with the Orange County Women's Chorus? -- Say, what?
-- I love this song.

Muchas Gracia, Bamboo Nation, for constantly digging out the cool stuff and raising the bar for the rest of us cyber nerds.


Yes, I cannot wait until the full album comes out. Terrific lyrics, as usual.
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