La Bella et La Bete. A Philip Glass opera. With Legos

Somehow, while researching who did the music for my FAVORITE version of Alice in Wonderland (for television in 1999) and my remembering how much I love Cocteau -- one link led to another and somehow ended up falling through the Sea Of Holes that is YouTube to discover this musical film gem!

Et, viola! Introducing: The Philip Glass Opera for YouTube,

Lego Beauty and the Beast

"The first part of Beauty and the Beast, or La Bella et La Bete broken up into 3 YouTube friendly acts.... His original work was intended to be performed as a sound track to the 1949 black and white movie by Jean Cocteau.

In keeping with the style of the movie, Lego Beauty and the Beast tries to stay true to the original ideas behind the opera.. with its own unique twists. I hope you enjoy this movie broken up into 3 youtube friendly acts."


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