Note to self: Turn off cell when not in use
Just returned home from picking up the kids at school to following email from husband.
I think your phone called by accident a while ago
"You know, you have a Mercedes and its attached to a blinker. You should use it. Dork."
Does that sound familiar?
Yes. Sadly, it does. This is because our kids require us to car pool past Leisure World every day and, I'm sorry, but retirees drive like it's 1943 and they're still on the golf course. But, I will try to curb my elder-road rage, tomorrow.
I think your phone called by accident a while ago
"You know, you have a Mercedes and its attached to a blinker. You should use it. Dork."
Does that sound familiar?
Yes. Sadly, it does. This is because our kids require us to car pool past Leisure World every day and, I'm sorry, but retirees drive like it's 1943 and they're still on the golf course. But, I will try to curb my elder-road rage, tomorrow.