Catching up: Eric Schaeffer, (I Can't Believe... Season One) Flipping Out, Shear Genius and more...

Okay, so some of you, know I seem to have been keeping a running commentary about certain television shows:

Such as "I Can't Believe I'm Still Single," Eric Schaeffer's latest creative venture which is, apparently, a documentary about the author's cross-country book signing of his memoir"I Can't Believe I'm Still Single."

Below is a link to his Showtime promo, which, as usual, has more action in it than the rest of his series put together.

Look, I've been tough on him in the past, so I'm going to really try to be fair now.

But, the show is boring. Sorry, but it's true. It's emotional landscape is like stumbling through Ikea. I keep waiting for it not to be quite so dull, I keep waiting to be surpised, but nada. Seriously, even all the potty talk (literally) in world can't seem to save this show from a slippery-slope of it's beige, touchy-feely, mono-blather.

I even felt guilty about dissing him on the IMDB message boards, (you can follow that pissing match there.) and ended trying to offer up some humility in my last posting about him, as some sort-of verbal peace offering to his very loyal fans, but, in the end I have to return to the wise words of Emilio: "That was then; this is now."

Truthfully, I don't know why I bother watching. Except that I feel obligated since he's already in Vegas, it can't be that much longer to get to Portland, Me., can it? (Just for the record, I'm also equally committed to other reality-shows, too, like "Flipping Out," "Shear Genius," and of course, "Project Runway." More on them later.)

Yeah, so we've followed the tiny bladdered Eric Schaeffer and his staff (I mean, "crew.") of two, to Las Vegas and the opinion barometer of it all is "ho-hum."

I mean, good God, how many times does he have to discuss his bodily functions? Have other women seriously enabled this kind of warped chatter? Look, I don't want to sound, well, judgmental, (which I never am.) but, am I glad I got out of the dating game when I did.

Also, has it occurred to him that perhaps some of his excessive peeing by (or is it on?) his car on this road-umentary may be actually be due to some sort of medical condition? It's a whole lot of peeing he does, at least while on camera.

Maybe it was just faux-urination for comedic value? He likes to play with the windshield wipers as he pees so it can disguise the fact that he is using his car rental as a fire hydrant. (Get it? ha.)

I'm less than enthusiastic about the show right about now, because not only is it kind of gross, it's not even being entertainingly gross. I just wish he'd find someone to fall in love with already.

You know, someone young, beautiful, sexy, funny, smart and, apparently, someone to "rub my back when I'm (can't even write it, it's so repulsive. Let's just say his idea of a great date is doing something only Freud could accept -- AS A DREAM). And even that's a long shot.

Just so you know, he made it to Vegas, right? I think it was Vegas, who knows? I don't know all those Days Inns sort-of run together in the show. There is a conspicuous lack of scenery as it's pretty much just a camera focused on Eric Schaeffer sharing wisdom from behind the wheel of a car rental. It's like watching an hour of crack addict/Yoda. Really, you guys have GOT to watch this one! It's great!

So, who rented that car after he dropped it off at Hertz in Portland, Me? (Poor them.)


Okay: Posting update: After this last show I finally really began to like his show.

I think it was when he started to cry when he was reading his book. I don't know but the intimacy of that moment really changed how I saw him. I just have to say that, because I have been so hard on him here.

I like the show so much more with his not spewing shock-value stuff at the camera and just really exposing his feelings about how alienated he felt.

That made me feel connected and care about him.

Just wanted to say this.


Okay, so what else am I watching. I was watching Shear Genius with my daughters, but some of them swear so badly I realized I'd better stop sharing the show with them. (Why can't they speak with good taste, like they do in Project Runway? I mean, What-Would-Tim-Gunn-Do?)

I couldn't find a clip of Paulo anywhere on You Tube! So, you'll have to settle on their behind scenes fashion show.

Anyhow, Shear Genius: This week Paulo (Who looks a whole lot like Goat Boy) got the boot. It wasn't such a surprise since his "creation" appeared to have been accomplished using a food processor followed by a blow torch. He only got "eliminated" after that? I'd have killed him.

Okay, so on to "t-cheff Lewis" (which is Zoila-speak for "Jeff Lewis.) in Flipping Out:

How can you not love a guy who lets his cleaning lady, Zoila, live with him?

How can you not love someone who orders take-out drinks the way he does? I think I actually am sort-of like him, deep down. So, I get it. I get how important the details can be to a person. And it endears him to me.

Flipping Out. However, to be fair, I don't think it was as funny this season as it was last. Maybe it's because Jeff has so much "plumping" in his lips (which only upsets me, since he's already handsome.) which makes it difficult to read his facial expressions, as easily as last seaason.

Or maybe it's just that everyone in LA is crabby and anxious because of the housing slump. Not to mention that all the help quits before they get fired, which is really not great entertainment.

They need to hire some low self-esteem people to hurry up and take Monkey in for more kitty acupuncture. (Does PETA approve of acupuncture for pets?)

But, that reminds me that that is an unexpected trait in Jeff -- He only seems to adopt mutts, and not, as I would have thought, over-bred, puppy-mill dogs, which makes me like him evem more.

Why doesn't he have an African Grey Parrot? Every pet-loving gay guy I know likes birds, wouldn't it be great if he had an African Grey mocking them all behind their backs? I think so. I'd be like the nanny-cam on acid.

I used to baby-sit an African Grey for my neighbors and very entertaining. He'd answer the phone in both my neighbor's voices, including the ringing of the phone, I'm not kidding -- those birds do it all. Yeah, I've decided Jeff needs an African Grey. (Jenny, are you listening? Why don't you find one for Jeff to rescue off of Craig's List?)

I do really love Jeff, though, and so I'm still going to cross my fingers his show is picked up for another season. But, he should really get rid of that painting of his cleaning lady. She's much prettier in real life.

So, that's my TV show updates for this past week.


I love that show. LOVE IT.

Now, on to other less important things, like all that Olympics stuff.

Hello? Didn't we see that same old, tired crap about four years ago? They just do the same stuff every single time, and we all act like it's such a surprise and soooo great.

And so what if Russia invaded Georgia? I thought Georgia, was Russia. How do you invade yourself?

FYI. Clearly, I josh: I loved all the games this year, we all did at La Casa de Larsen. The opening ceremonies were almost too astonishing to be comprehended. They were like a massive fusion of Pina Bausch, Laurie Anderson and a whole lot of Super Bowl thrown in. I think I'd have happily braved the Bejing smog if I'd had a chance to experience even one tenth of that in person.

and I've been waiting for "Pooty-poo" to hurry up and stab us in the back for the past 8 years, so I happen to think all this Georgia thing is probably just the beginning of the great unraveling of all that USA /USSR bonding that Bush did for us all.

So, what else is on tonight?


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