
Showing posts from August, 2008

Calling all angels

Here it is nearing the sad anniversary of Katrina and yet, I hear there's another new hurricane headed toward Louisiana. In any event, I've been thinking about our collective need for angels. Especially now. For reasons both deeply personal as well as global. I've been trying to define for myself what I think being an "angel" means, exactly. I've dug out Tony Kushner's script for Angels in America as well as put Jane Sibery 's timely, haunting song Calling All Angels into my cd player. (By the way, if you would like to hear more from this musician, I highly recommend her astonishing CD, Bound By The Beauty ) It appears that someone's done a nice job creating a video of it for YouTube, so if you've missed hearing this about a decade ago, you can hear it here. After all -- It's clear that right now there's practically nobody who is not in dire need of calling all angels .

See First McCain Palin Campaign Photos


Roman Holiday on PCH

Okay, so. Lots of blogging to catch up on: For instance, I just have to share with you a wonderful evening we enjoyed recently. We attended a screening of Roman Holiday -- at the Huntington Beach Pier. Yep, on the corner of PCH and Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA. (You did read that right.) It was part of a wonderful event (hosted by ) which involved the very cool idea of installing an inflatable movie screen under the stars to watch the classic film Roman Holiday, outdoors . Brilliant. I believe it was all part of a to drum up interest in a contest to win a trip to Rome which, I have to say, sure worked for us. (Oh, please pull our names out of your hat!) Anyhow, the entire evening was everything you would want it to be and more. Stars, ocean breezes, yummy food from Savannah and best of all sharing a classic black and white film staring the one and only Audrey and Gregory with my girls for the very first time. So, how cool is ...

Note to self: Turn off cell when not in use

Just returned home from picking up the kids at school to following email from husband. ------------------------------------- I think your phone called by accident a while ago "You know, you have a Mercedes and its attached to a blinker. You should use it. Dork." Does that sound familiar? P ---------------------------------------- Yes. Sadly, it does. This is because our kids require us to car pool past Leisure World every day and, I'm sorry, but retirees drive like it's 1943 and they're still on the golf course. But, I will try to curb my elder-road rage, tomorrow.

Catching up: Eric Schaeffer, (I Can't Believe... Season One) Flipping Out, Shear Genius and more...

Okay, so some of you, know I seem to have been keeping a running commentary about certain television shows: Such as " I Can't Believe I'm Still Single ," Eric Schaeffer 's latest creative venture which is, apparently, a documentary about the author's cross-country book signing of his memoir" I Can't Believe I'm Still Single ." Below is a link to his Showtime promo, which, as usual, has more action in it than the rest of his series put together. Look, I've been tough on him in the past, so I'm going to really try to be fair now. But, the show is boring . Sorry, but it's true. It's emotional landscape is like stumbling through Ikea. I keep waiting for it not to be quite so dull, I keep waiting to be surpised, but nada. Seriously, even all the potty talk (literally) in world can't seem to save this show from a slippery-slope of it's beige, touchy-feely, mono-blather. I even felt guilty about dissing him on the IMDB ...

Bunny Man

For some reason, "Sk8ter Bunny" was left on my computer keyboard. My kids tell me this is "Bunny man." (Or, "Nick Jonas: Bunny Man.") I don't get it. Uhm, apparently the white things under the "wool bunny suit" are leggings made from paper and tape. Is this my punishment for letting them watch "Project Runway?"

Nightmare on Bird Street.

So, I won't go into all the things that made today so uniquely un-fun, but I will tell you that I freakin' found two dead birds in my backyard, one of which t he county just confirmed died from West Nile Virus. Say what?! As if that's not gross enough, but, hello? I found another little dead guy this weekend which I put in a cardboard box for the vector mafia to pick up only to discover: Like all good organized crime (fighters) they do NOT work weekends. So, I did what any good citizen should do: I posted this on the local news website in the area. Click on link to find out what you can do if you find a string of young, dead birds in your backyard. I don't meant to complain, but as if my family doesn't have enough weird health issues to stress about, but West Nile Virus in my backyard, too? Wow. I'm serious, today ended up being just plain a whole bunch of "badly timed personal news." Recent Bad News: Un-fun personal issue #1...

Current fav music: LCDSoundsystem and MGMT

I know this doesn't nearly qualify as a blog entry, but I just want to say how much I love LCDSoundsystem and MGMT . Can't get enough. I actually didn't mind my 4+ hours road trip to USC (To see my ENT & Rheumy about my that thing on my face some people run air through. I think it's called "a nose," but mine works differently.) from Seal Beach yesterday due to these CDs...and a thrift fix from my not-so-secret Catholic Charity store. I'm not nerdy enough to figure out how to put their music up here to listen to. (Someone geeky please tell me how.) But if you click here to go to you can listen to their music free . OR to see and hear some of the latest from MGMT: Click Here! You. Will. Not. Be. Sorry. Ps. My husband kindly informed me that my cd cover here is actually posted sideways. Being new to this blogging process, I knoweth not how to "flip the image." If it really bothers you, then be a good geek and tell me how to f...

I am a pop-culture reject

Things that render me a pop-culture reject: 1.) I have never seen Scarface or Xanandu . 2.) Who is Zac Effron? I mean, Efron. 3.) Although my kids talk about them non-stop, apparently I never "got" that the Jonas Brothers were in Camp Rock . 4.) I have never seen Camp Rock . But, my eleven year old thinks it would be creepy if I had. 5.) "You're not supposed to watch Disney Channel , you're a grown-up." duh.

Elizabeth Edwards is my hero.

Elizabeth Edwards is My Hero! ~ Storyville OriginalsT-Shirts, Tee Shirts, Storyville This woman has survived so. damn. much. And still keeps ticking. Read Elizabeth Edwards full statement here. (from Daily Kos) By the way: Excuse me, but WTF, John?! What is with you southern boys? Keep your freakin' pants on, you idiots. Alas. Since ancient Rome, there have always been "Rielle Hunters." She is an archetype that will always exist. Until men figure out that keeping their pants on is "a good thing" for establishing a solid political career, there will always be a "Rielle Hunter." However, that being said, still, today was a let down. Any hero's left? HORN-DOGS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY: KEEP YOUR PANTS ZIPPED AND STEP AWAY FROM THE BAIT." (Okay, Michelle...You need to put the fear of God in your, boy, because apparently all power corrupts.) Obama had better not let us down, that's all I can say. What a bummer. Until I get sta...

"What Would Peggy Do Post Season One?"

According to " Pedro ," of The Orange County Register , there are now websites devoted to different characters from Mad Men . I'd just like to say that when they are old enough that our daughters will only be allowed to view the blog titled: "What Would Peggy Do Post Season One?" Funny stuff also about this via BuzzFeed , too.