
I'm in Vermont. Again.

I'm in Vermont. Again. It's cold. There's snow. The stars are brighter. People remain absolutely the same, although most of them seem smaller and sadly, most of the color has drained from their bodies. From outside in. Sometimes, out in the woods it's so quiet it feels like there's cotton in my ears. I cannot believe how clean the world is when you just leave it alone. Back in the houses I keep watching the slow, inevitable, spinning freeze-fall of those I love, but can never seem to touch. I see time's softening of the edges & hope this means their fall won't be too painful. I cannot think of anything else to do other than hope for grace and reason. I do not expect anything to be easy; only inevitable. Home is not behind us, or where your mother is, or even wear you hang your hat; Home is where you need home to be, which is a trick I hope to pass on. I look forward to next year with more faith my steps up to this point. Seal Beach, Costa Mesa,...


XMAS ROAD TRIP, Dec 16 2007: Postponed by Jet Blue for two days. Our flight was cancelled and rescheduled for tomorrow at dawn. Seat booking and finding new car rentals are a mess. Oh, well. Due to board plane out of Long Beach for Boston early, early tomorrow. Must somehow pull trick to get our seats all together. For some reason I have two kids sitting miles apart from me and each other. Not going to work. Must work magic and charm.

The Orange County Women's Chorus

If you live in Southern CA and still haven't heard of The Orange County Women's Chorus yet, you should, because we're pretty darn good. And, if you're a friend of mine and you still haven't bought a ticket to one of our concerts, then fie on you! You should. And, yes. It does really matter. -------------------------------------------------------- In a nutshell: About The Orange County Women's Chorus: The Orange County Women's Chorus is an ensemble of 35 singing women who believe in raising their voices in song and solidarity. Their repertoire spans many eras and cultures, and ranges from the serious to the silly, but their commitment to performing quality treble music at the highest level never changes. Founded in a living room in 1997 and directed since 2000 by Eliza Rubenstein, the ensemble has quickly become one of the most respected choruses in the area, with performances at the Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, Walt Disney Concert Hall...

Check out fav music from 2007 on NPR

Okay. Just because it's December and that alone feels overwhelming, I've added some music links to my blog. NPR has a great selection of 2007's best music. To hear them all, and more. To hear NPR's Best Of 2007 Music: Click on above link. However, my choice #1, for the funniest music right now ? "The Most Beautiful Girl in the Room." By Flight of the Conchord s . Hope your December day is more red and green now. louise

Manic happy-last-day-of-school-of 2007-day.

" Today, class, the word of the day is MANIC." Today I volunteered in school to help with the Winter Break Party. 35+ fifth graders. Cookies. Icing. Sprinkles. Ice Cream. Candy Canes. Toppings Galore. Fun, fun, fun. Today was the last day of school before school's "Winter Break." What does that mean to a mom, like me? It means our public school wastes entire day on massive sugar rush before teachers are off for 5 weeks. Manic "winter holiday" (And not "Christmas. The event is non-denominational.) And hurry up and take your tests. Do all your homework now and most of all; Quick, finish! Quick, buy. Buy. Buy. Donate this. Donate that. And sign here. Happy happy happy. and don't forget the massive SUGAR glut-rush on all the happy happy happy food all the happy happy happy people scarf down right before the holidays and do NOT forget the chocolate sprinkles on that sugar cookie MADE ON THE SAME LINE AS OTHER NUT PRODUCTS. (boug...

Another day in paradise.

Woke up. Poured coffee. Got dressed. Got both daughters dressed. Put them and all their school crap ready to go. Dragged the dog out of the car. Drove them to school. Went home. Took Shower. Drove back to school. Signed them out and drove them both to expensive but good pediatric dentist. Paid hefty balance due. Watched them get teeth "polished." Got passively scolded regarding obviousness kids not flossing. Tried to read trashy magazine really fast. Made appointment for two cavities to be filled for January. In teeth that will fall out in five years time. Drove the kids back to school, via drive through "healthy choice" at Pollo Loco. Scarfed down chicken legs as driving north on 405. Stood around for an hour and a half while I waited for them to get out of school just so the teacher could get test results logged for oldest kid's math test. Aimlessly, compulsively shopped for inexpensive but hopefully not too terribly tacky Christmas...