Another day in paradise.

Woke up. Poured coffee. Got dressed. Got both daughters dressed. Put them and all their school crap ready to go. Dragged the dog out of the car. Drove them to school. Went home. Took Shower.

Drove back to school. Signed them out and drove them both to expensive but good pediatric dentist. Paid hefty balance due. Watched them get teeth "polished." Got passively scolded regarding obviousness kids not flossing. Tried to read trashy magazine really fast. Made appointment for two cavities to be filled for January. In teeth that will fall out in five years time. Drove the kids back to school, via drive through "healthy choice" at Pollo Loco. Scarfed down chicken legs as driving north on 405.

Stood around for an hour and a half while I waited for them to get out of school just so the teacher could get test results logged for oldest kid's math test. Aimlessly, compulsively shopped for inexpensive but hopefully not too terribly tacky Christmas-teacher gifts. (Gingerbread scented soap. I know. What was I thinking. I panicked.) to go with endless the group donations...for all three teachers for Friday, the day after my daughters birthday. After Friday both kids are released from school for five weeks. whee.

While killing time at new favorite hot spot, Home Goods, found and purchased Jemima Puddle duck china mug for Juliet (She still loves B. Potter and poor dim-witted Jemima even though she turns eleven tomorrow.)

Drove back to school, again and squeezed into parking space. Got out. Rounded up the the kids. Poured them and all the papers they brought back home back into the car through the door that still opens. Drove them home. Helped first grader write story about a girl who wants a Fire Fly cell phone for christmas. Held six year old in my arms and typed along as she napped.

Checked email obsessively no apparent good reason. Made healthy snacks. Got phone call from best friend who moved away this year to Colorado.

Have to make the rest of the party favors (burning cd's of "girls night out music") for my daughter's (& 17 fifth graders) birthday party tomorrow at Paint N' Glaze and I need to wrap her presents before I go to bed. Must order Pizza and find an egg-free (for other kid with food allergy other than my kid's allergy) ice cream cake for tomorrow.

Hoping there's enough wine for a glass later tonight. No doubt, will require it.



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