Manic happy-last-day-of-school-of 2007-day.
"Today, class, the word of the day is MANIC."
Today I volunteered in school to help with the Winter Break Party. 35+ fifth graders. Cookies. Icing. Sprinkles. Ice Cream. Candy Canes. Toppings Galore. Fun, fun, fun.
Today was the last day of school before school's "Winter Break."
What does that mean to a mom, like me? It means our public school wastes entire day on massive sugar rush before teachers are off for 5 weeks. Manic "winter holiday" (And not "Christmas. The event is non-denominational.) And hurry up and take your tests. Do all your homework now and most of all; Quick, finish! Quick, buy. Buy. Buy. Donate this. Donate that. And sign here. Happy happy happy. and don't forget the massive SUGAR glut-rush on all the happy happy happy food all the happy happy happy people scarf down right before the holidays and do NOT forget the chocolate sprinkles on that sugar cookie MADE ON THE SAME LINE AS OTHER NUT PRODUCTS. (bought for ENTIRE school by mom with kid with a fatal allergy to nuts. I kid you not.) Which is all more fodder for why I'm paranoid about peanut allergies. Even the "grown ups" drop the ball. Merry happy holiday and now you can have your kids back for five weeks, good luck.

Actually, I like my kids. Frankly, I worry they tire of me. (They will.)
Mommy needs a change of pace. Just for a little while.
Like a quick trip to Argentina, or the Congo.
Today I volunteered in school to help with the Winter Break Party. 35+ fifth graders. Cookies. Icing. Sprinkles. Ice Cream. Candy Canes. Toppings Galore. Fun, fun, fun.
Today was the last day of school before school's "Winter Break."
What does that mean to a mom, like me? It means our public school wastes entire day on massive sugar rush before teachers are off for 5 weeks. Manic "winter holiday" (And not "Christmas. The event is non-denominational.) And hurry up and take your tests. Do all your homework now and most of all; Quick, finish! Quick, buy. Buy. Buy. Donate this. Donate that. And sign here. Happy happy happy. and don't forget the massive SUGAR glut-rush on all the happy happy happy food all the happy happy happy people scarf down right before the holidays and do NOT forget the chocolate sprinkles on that sugar cookie MADE ON THE SAME LINE AS OTHER NUT PRODUCTS. (bought for ENTIRE school by mom with kid with a fatal allergy to nuts. I kid you not.) Which is all more fodder for why I'm paranoid about peanut allergies. Even the "grown ups" drop the ball. Merry happy holiday and now you can have your kids back for five weeks, good luck.

Actually, I like my kids. Frankly, I worry they tire of me. (They will.)
Mommy needs a change of pace. Just for a little while.
Like a quick trip to Argentina, or the Congo.