How to dress up like "Marceline, The Vampire Queen" from Adventure Time (on a shoestring budget)

It wouldn't be Halloween unless one day before the big day at least one child, in this case, daughter, Annalily Larsen, decides they must be an obscure pop-culture reference to dress-up like.

Something "we" can easily pull off a costume in a 24 hour period.  Easy!

This year, uh, yesterday my 6th grader informed me she was going to be "Marceline" (a Vampire Queen?) from Adventure Time.

I asked if they sold a costume for this, which she confirmed she would not need any of that.  Just one store stop, or two.  And Sharpies.  Plenty of Sharpies.

Really all she needed the most was a red An Axe Bass, and a long black wig and vampire teeth.  That's all.

Grumbling aside, we did pull off a some kind of ensemble overnight which may pass for the suggestion of the real thing.

I struggled hard on the creation of a bass, when, naturally, the obvious thing to do when trying to figure out how to "make" an "Axe Bass" was to just Google the video.  Duh.

Nope, too complicated:  So, here's my extremely remedial, Completely Stupid Idiot's Guide to becoming Marceline:  All done on the fly on a shoe-string budget using one foam core board from Michael's, a variety of Sharpies, our own attire plus the one or two "big ticket items" Including  $9. vampire teeth, and a 8$ cheapo long, black wig from one of those horrible Halloween Costume places that only show up in abandoned strip malls in October.

Here's our progress so far:

Computer print out of Marceline's Axe Bass, and the beginning materials

Voila!! 30 minutes later and look!  A 2 dimensional, foam-core, red Marceline Axe Bass!!

Last night, myself and the once and future, "Marceline" continue our planning...

The result?

Low tech, high-fun Adventure Time awesomeness

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