Why I support Bernie Sanders for president of the United States (2016)

I support Bernie Sanders for president because I believe the Sanders plans for a better future are most in line with what personally matters to me as a middle class mom of two teens, one of which has a severe peanut allergy, who is also now in college. I firmly believe his solutions are not only most in line with what matters to me but actually make the most sense. 

Here's why:

  • I know he will fight the pharmaceutical corruption driving up the high medical costs of caring for a kid with a severe peanut allergy: Including outrageous costs of life-saving epi pens. 
  • I know he will fight global warming alongside really protecting our public health! This is very important to me.
  • He will change laws which now put big biz in charge of pretty much everything. He will fight for those of us who are not billionaires. 
  • I know he deeply cares about lowering the cost of eduction. 
  • Right now my child's in her first year of college and she slaved to get her scholarships. However, it wasn't enough to cover her college tuition. So, she and we will still be paying huge costs for her student loans for years just so can attend college. We fear this situation will be even worse in the future when it comes time for our younger child to go to college.  
  • Bernie's plan is the most comprehensive for changing this new college-cost-Hell. Higher education costs are outrageous. This must change dramatically for our nation to succeed and be the most educated, qualified country of the world, for our future. To thrive and remain a global leading nation, then we must educate and educate broadly. 
  • He is also for a universal health care which my parents (they live in Vermont and say their medical cost is less detrimental and as confusing than our is here in CA. They are elderly and love living in Vt. ) I am sick of the insurance plans making medical care so confusing with unexpected fees all over the map. Plus we pay more now but still have super high deductibles. Lower our stress about affording our medications! Give us a simple, fair, ethical way to get meds so we can fairly afford medications for our families.
  • I know he is deeply committed to fighting global warming. This is key for me. If you look at the unexpectedly high rise of food allergies and peanut allergies it follows the same graph arc as the rising temperature of our global environment.  
  • While it can't be proven I personally suspect the dramatic, inexplicable rise of spectrum disorders and allergies/asthmas are all associated with the dramatic rise in our global carbon dioxide levels. This, also, makes me a Bernie supporter.  

What else? He is kind, extremely qualified, he is not bribable, he can be trusted, he truly cares about the 'every man' and I think right now we have a historic chance to change our nation's narrative to one of extreme greatness.  

This is all why I feel Bernie Sanders is not only the candidate we need, but must have for our nation, and our world be one of prosperity, success, hope and even joy, again.

Won't you join with me and vote for Bernie? --  I hope so.


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