Elvis Costello, Lucinda and Jim Lauderdale wrap up my whirlwind summer at The Greek

What a summer.

A week ago, tonight, my family and I flew back from having saturating ourselves in all the people and places most likely to press my buttons, and the emotional decompression from having spent two weeks with my parents in a place of heartbreaking beauty and intense emotional history for me was almost too much. The trip brought into sudden focus so many shelved dreams and forgotten promises I'd made to myself over the years, that in trying to juggle all the intense feelings that arise from facing one's own historical archetypes, that my emotions had been running so high for so long that, frankly, I was becoming numb after adding jet lag and shlepping kids across country in one day...I was so tired the next day that I almost forgot about the concert I'd insisted we buy tickets to earlier in the summer (Thank you, Neil Ravenna, for setting a fire under my ass for that.)

In any event, the day after we got home, my husband and drove back up to Los Angeles to attend a concert at The Greek (An amazing theater.) which featured not just one of my favorite musicians, but three of different musicians whose music each separately has deeply influenced my life...all together.

The evening was surreal as the light faded from the sky and the lights on the stage became brighter, first out was the goddess of cool, Lucinda Williams. I simply adore her gritty voice, her lyrics, and most of all, her attitude. Lucinda Williams has been what I can only describe as a beacon of light to me over the years.

Then, add to this, the fact the concert headlined the King of Cool, Elvis Costello, whose lyrics and voice have been the backdrop to most of the major scene changes in my adult life: I can't even imagine modern music without his voice woven into the tapestry of pop rock for me.


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