class syllabus intro to production and design

7th Grade Intro to Production and Design
Integrated Arts
Instructor: Mrs. Larsen
Tuesdays/Wednesdays  2:15 - 3:30
Block 8

Class Description
This course, Introduction to Theatrical Production and Design, is a general overview course covering the basics cornerstones of all design and productions elements which will include learning about all the major aspects of Production Job Descriptions, as well as a basic understanding of the stage and it's Equipment, a brief history and overview of the the stage, the core of designing for a production, including viewing different types of production designs via video and dvd, and a review of the basics regarding stage make up, scenery, costumes, lighting, and sound in a single semester.

The class is will be structured to introduce a student to these concepts by using creative projects designed to engage their own imagination in a creative learning approach while being introduced to basic key concepts that all theatrical design and production is built upon.  

Focus will be on discovering the various aspects that go into producing a play or theatrical production. The student will also be encouraged to apply their own personal style to all of their work. Vocabulary used throughout a play’s production will be studied and mastered. Theater History will also be incorporated as it pertains to class work. Assigned exercises will be used to learn the basics of design and production.   Presentations of in class work will allow the student to apply the “tools” learned in class, so that they can be applied later in theater productions. While this class should be freethinking and have a sense of play, the student will learn how to channel that “play” into discipline and focused work.

To maintain a positive, encouraging, and fun environment
To have each student know intermediate to advanced production and design concepts and techniques by incorporating creative exercises
To support the student being become familiar with theater design and production terminology
To have each student be knowledgeable of theater terms
To expose the student to general production and design history, styles and concepts

Classroom Guidelines
-       Backpacks, etc. shall be left at the side of the classroom
-       Cell phones to remain turned off and not to be touched, in backpacks
-       No food or drink, except for bottled water
-       Minds must be open at all times
-       No talking at any time, unless called upon

Grading Scale
Performance: 45pts
Class Participation: 35pts
Behavior:  10pts
Attendance: 10pts

Supplies Needed

Each student will be responsible for bringing their own “Design and Production Notebook and Folder” and a pen to each class. You will also be responsible for keeping all handouts (scenes, drawings, artwork, writing, notes, quizzes, tests) in your folders, as we will be using them throughout the semester. 

There are Behavior Standards for the OCHSA community. These are clearly marked in your Student Handbooks. I suggest you read these and become very familiar with them.
POOR CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND WILL AFFECT YOUR GRADES! This behavior includes ANY disruption or distraction- including talking out of turn. Students MUST be considerate of each person in the class.  Each student will be expected to participate in each class activity as well as complete homework assignments on time or grades will be lowered. Should a student not adhere to the behavior requests, they will be warned 2 times and then given a referral. If disruptive behavior persists, they will be sent to Mrs. Stafford’s office and parents/guardians will be called and detention will be enforced.

As stated in the OCHSA student handbook:

A violation of the Behavior Standards will result in one or more of these interventions:
Ø verbal warning
Ø conference with student
Ø alternative activity or consequence
Ø Office Referral issued with Mrs. Stafford
Ø Friday Detention
Ø parent notified by e-mail or phone call
Ø loss of privilege to participate in extra-curricular activities
Ø Student Behavior Management Plan
Ø Suspension from school (Ed Code: 48900)

Tardiness will also be enforced and will not be tolerated. Being late 2 times results in an absence, which therefore lowers your grade.


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