Terrorist groups selling baby elephants to fund terrorism. Actions to save baby elephants from being stolen from elephant matriarchs.

I can't bear to watch Dumbo, I can't sit through Like Water For Elephants, but to tell you the truth: This one story just flattens me.

Please join us to help keep baby elephants in the wild.  Removing them as infants and selling them to other countries to be raised in cement zoo is cruel and inhumane.

Please join forces to stop stealing baby elephants from their mothers to sell to other countries like China and Thailand.  Besides the money raised in places like Zimbabwe is going to fund terrorist groups like the Boko Haram.


African elephant poaching has reached crisis level with about 100 African elephants poached every day for their ivory.

In the midst of this crisis, Zimbabwe is exporting dozens of baby elephants to China for $60,000 each, while claiming overpopulation as the motivation for export. Three out of four elephant calves exported from Zimbabwe to China in 2012 have since died, and the same fate most likely awaits this new round of calves destined to live out their lives in solitary confinement as show animals or zoo attractions.

Join us in urging the Chinese Government to implement a complete ban on imports of wild-caught live elephants to end this cruel trade once and for all.

 There are hardly any elephants left at all and this last act of terror to them is a crime against all that is good. Please do something to speak out against this. They have no voice. You do. Use it.

  CLICK HERE AND SIGN THIS PETITION, or go to https://action.hsi.org/ea-action/action

Delicate, beautiful, extremely rare - almost extinct, creatures simply do NOT deserve to be stolen from their mothers in the wild, let alone shipped off to terrible places, like China, of all horrors.  We are their voice to end this senseless cruelty.

It makes them sick and insane and just plain kills them.   It's the worst thing we can do to these innocent creatures.

Below is a baby elephant that cried for hours and hours after being taken away from his mother elephant (IN CHINA. WHERE THEY SHOULD NOT BE ANYWAY!!) Because after birth the mother calf (stolen and sold to the Chinese) went crazy and tried to kill the poor little baby who cried b/c his heart was broken from being taken from his mother.

These animals have feelings and we should not be doing this to them!!!


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